LP :meow:

From: dyl13 Sep 2006 20:07
To: Sulkpot 47 of 64
If only she would.
From: Sulkpot13 Sep 2006 21:51
To: dyl 48 of 64
She'll outlive you, you ephemeral insect. Kept alive by the blood of the innocent !! :-&
From: spinning_plates14 Sep 2006 01:42
To: ALL49 of 64
When this happened I didn't really know anything about anything. Perhaps I still don't. But I do remember thinking "this was not accident" when my boss's wife came into the unit and said to put the TV on, sort of suggesting it was. After that it just made me want to know more about wht the fuck is going on.
From: AND HIS PROPHET IS (MOHAMED42)14 Sep 2006 02:31
To: andy 50 of 64
At least you don't have to live through all the "remember!" crap that's going on over here.
From: Username14 Sep 2006 09:32
To: spinning_plates 51 of 64

I know how you feel. When Lockerbie and the space shuttle disaster happened I had no idea iether.
ALl I can remeber was the sick jocks getting banded around at the secondary school.

From: andy14 Sep 2006 13:24
To: Username 52 of 64
You've gone too far this time. How can you possibly misspell "joke" as "jock"?
From: johngti_mk-ii14 Sep 2006 13:27
To: andy 53 of 64

Its a good 'un though - the sentence still works even with 'joke' replaced by 'jock'.


I think he did that one on purpose.

From: spinning_plates14 Sep 2006 15:10
To: andy 54 of 64
Not to mention that, one way or another, be it jocks or jokes, he said "was the sick *plural*" when obviously it should have been "were".
From: andy14 Sep 2006 17:07
To: spinning_plates 55 of 64
The sick bastard.
From: Rowan14 Sep 2006 23:39
To: spinning_plates 56 of 64
I would've gone with 'is', actually. There's only one thing he can remember.
From: lp16 Aug 2008 15:52
To: lp 57 of 64

God, get that pole out of your ass you righteous cunt!


My goodness, I'm so much cooler than that guy!

From: ANT_THOMAS16 Aug 2008 16:11
To: lp 58 of 64
Whatever LP. Sort your sig out.
From: lp16 Aug 2008 16:15
To: ANT_THOMAS 59 of 64

Right you are :)


Heh, I was just doing some past reading - Is there a time limit on posts, or is it just as long as the database exists?
It's kinda odd reading stuff & cringing at how highly strung I have been (& quite possibly may be again sometime, but I think I'm on top of things now)

EDITED: 16 Aug 2008 16:15 by LP
From: ANT_THOMAS16 Aug 2008 16:23
To: lp 60 of 64

As far as I know it's however long we've been on this database.


And yes, I agree totally, I hate reading past messages.

From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)16 Aug 2008 19:13
To: ANT_THOMAS 61 of 64
I don't. I remain as incomparably erudite (and funny) as I have ever been.
From: Dave!!16 Aug 2008 20:58
Indeed. That was a good joke! (giggle)
From: Manthorp19 Aug 2008 16:21
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 63 of 64
Word. Amen. Whatever it is you Muslims say.

"Die, infidel dog", I think.
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