Where were you on the night of July 28th when Nguku Muntabae was assaulted on Paddington Green?
See? It all ties in.
Quite right. I however don't give a damn about the US in general, but I do care about the needless death of civilians wherever it is. 9/11 was an atrocity, but so are most terrorist attacks and a lot of attacks by the US and particulaly recently, Israel.
I never feel it OK to even try and justify any of them by thinking for example "What Israel did in Lebanon was bad, therefore that suicide bomber was justified in blowing up that Israeli market place" because the people who die and suffer are just civilians caught up in the mess created by their governments.
The bit about drinking cider and eating mushrooms: why the "fuck you"? I thought you'd admitted as much. Nowt wrong with it. Though being reformed is undoubtedly working out better for you. Good stuff.
(waits to see how you'll contrive to find offence in something I've said...)
September 11th - I'm disinclined to be cynical. Shame it always gets the same response, I agree. Though at the point I heard about it on the morning of 11/9/01, I have to admit that my first thought wasn't for the people dying in NY, it was "oh shit, this is just the excuse Bush has been waiting for to declare war on the rest of the world".
I know how you feel. When Lockerbie and the space shuttle disaster happened I had no idea iether.
ALl I can remeber was the sick jocks getting banded around at the secondary school.