LP :meow:

From: lp11 Sep 2006 23:29
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 15 of 64

>>What's the point?


What a daft question.
If you don't care, don't piss on those who do.


>>How does one decide which events should be tributted?


We each decide for ourselves what things we wish to pay tribute to based on how events affected us.


Sometimes, events happen which mean that other people want to pay tribute to things more than others.


>>How long should an event remain commemorated?


We still commemorate the 5th of November (401 years) Armistice Day (88 years) & probably others.

From: lp11 Sep 2006 23:30
To: lp 16 of 64

But seriously, I keep getting reminded why I fucked off in the first place.



From: Username11 Sep 2006 23:31
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 17 of 64

The fact of the matter is this.
Media. Technology. Numpties in control of these two things.
Were there digital camera's being used during the Battle Of Hastings in 1066. No.
Its not about looking at pictures no more. Its about who and why are these numpties presenting me with these pictures.
So, in light of this, I am now actually physicaly blocking stuff from my mind mentally.


Did humans have digital camera's when jesus was around. No.
Can you imagine of they did?
The truth would be there in color if they did. All this bullshit about parting some sea would be shot down in flames, because the truth would be photographed.
Have there been any human beings since then that have managed to part a sea?


Anyways... 911...RIP. Always forgetton, never remembered. Only at the time of the event did I observe this sad and tragic day.


Hello 2006.

From: Username11 Sep 2006 23:32
To: ALL18 of 64
They should build another WTC in there asap. With some memorale plaque or somthing.
From: Username11 Sep 2006 23:33
To: Username 19 of 64
Dumbass Americans. If something gets knocked down. It should be rebuild. !
From: Username11 Sep 2006 23:40
To: Username 20 of 64

Is talking to other humans anytime, anywhere, hurting society?


1990s. I went to work, got home. Played music, watched TV, listened to radio. Played Console games.
Weekend: Went out, got drunk, got E'd up, got stoned, got whatever.


2000s. ___________, got home. Played music, watched some TV, listened to some Radio, played PC games. Talked shit to people I dont know online, about serious stuff and not so serious stuff.


How many conversations that are similar to the ones you have online in the 00s, did you have in the non internet "real life" 90s?


So many fuckin hours spent on a stupid PC. FUckin PCs. Dave!! 's a poof !!


Dave!! chuuff chuufff pofff pofff bender.


Im straight.


Dave!! reply here NOW >>

From: Username11 Sep 2006 23:43
To: Username 21 of 64

See you in the morning Dave!! boy.


When did you have your first snog?
First shag?
First pubic fuckin hair? No, not the one you pissed throught at 19, a real one.


You cunt !!


I was having a laugh with my MegaDrive and Playstation in the 90s, while you were playing geek boy with a PC, which at the time about 10% of the population had.




Geek boy fanatic. Learn to take proper photos graphs !
STop the pyshcoo eye stare thing !!

EDITED: 11 Sep 2006 23:43 by USERNAME
From: -Daz-11 Sep 2006 23:44
To: lp 22 of 64

Does your arse not get extrodinarily distended from you crawling up there so often?


lp: "post"


forum: "I see your point but....."


lp: "Disagree with me will you? Well fuck that! I'm off to the Specials. They need my particular brand of tolerance. I'm fair, me."


You know why I don't mind the 9/11 commemorations, or the fact that they're even called that? It reminds my family that my birthday is coming. I should be your Police Chief by now.

From: Username11 Sep 2006 23:47
To: Username 23 of 64

PCs have hurt me bad. In the pocket and in the mind.


They will always be for geeks. They are hurting society bad. Ok for the work place, yes. But NOWHERE ELSE.
Might as well ad dthe internet while were there.


The internet is about me and only for me. Talking is about wanting to meet a face, that you show willing to talk to. But in real life circumstance.
IE in a pub or club. What exactly is MySpace all about?


Why has society beginning to use in full flow the internet? What is it here for. Why do we need it?

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)11 Sep 2006 23:52
To: lp 24 of 64
It's not a daft question, it's a genuine one.

And we don't really commemorate the 5th of november - it's now essentially just an excuse for pyromaniacs to have fun.
From: SMD12 Sep 2006 03:25
To: lp 25 of 64
The events of September 11th 2001 were the moment I became honestly aware of the truly horrible things that people do to each other

Where were you in 1994?
From: Woggy12 Sep 2006 06:37
To: SMD 26 of 64
Sat in a park drinking white lightning, eating magic mushrooms and generally smacked off his tits before he became born again?
EDITED: 12 Sep 2006 07:51 by WOGGY
From: Sulkpot12 Sep 2006 07:05
To: SMD 27 of 64

Where were you in Christmas 1914? :Y :-$


Sorry, LP. I think I'm with the piss-takers here. But not Trig.

From: JonCooper12 Sep 2006 07:21
To: ALL28 of 64
more people are dying now from the effects of clearing up 'ground zero'* than died on the day - I find that worse as it could have been prevented with the provision of masks etc.

and why is 11/9/01 any worse than say 12/10/84
From: lp12 Sep 2006 07:38
To: -Daz- 29 of 64

Actually, no, it seems to go.


Paul: "post"


others: "cynical & typically 'teh' reply"


Paul: "gets wound up"


others: "mentions the fact that paul wants to join the police, as if that is some kind of reason for Paul to not have a reason for getting pissed off"




You know, other than mentioning my attempts to join the police in a matter of fact way I've not actually said anything that relates at all to it since I came back here, but people keep seemingly mentioning it to me like as if my having an opinion about things or getting wound up with geeks on the internet is in any way related to the way I would be with a uniform on. I've not said anything that would suggest that I would not be fair when dealing with people & it sucks that I can't have an argument without someone saying "mleh mleh special police, mleh" FUCK YOU!


Saif: In 1994 I was 15 & not really that fussed about anything outside my circle of friends & more worried about what band I would discover next or when my next band practice was. Sorry.




"Sat in a park drinking white lightning, eating magic mushrooms and generally smacked of his tits before he became born again?"


Seriously, fuck you. This is more of the same. I chose to cut out drink & smoke & the rest and I dont give a fuck if others do. That has nothing to do with my opinion. And I never took smack.


I came back last month (after being pissed off one too many times) to see if any of the people who I wondered about & enjoyed the ramblings of were still here & still ok & they seem to be in a fashion, but unfortunately the people who are self important & cynical arses seem to still be cynical & self important arses (& I am one too, but I realised that this place seemed to make it worse)

From: patch12 Sep 2006 07:47
To: lp 30 of 64
Just on the Police thing: get used to it. No-one gets introduced to new people as "This is Steve, he's an account director" in normal life, but "This is Bernard, he's a copper" happens all the time.
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)12 Sep 2006 08:03
To: lp 31 of 64

Because you're an over-sensitive little crybaby?


EDIT: other people had already done the copper thing; didn't want to be redundant.

EDITED: 12 Sep 2006 15:23 by RENDLE
From: Username12 Sep 2006 09:15
To: Woggy 32 of 64
From: Dave!!12 Sep 2006 09:45
To: JonCooper 33 of 64

I believe it's worse because firstly, a lot more people died, and secondly the Brighton bomb was an attack against a government rather than an attack against ordinary civilians. I'm not saying the Brighton bomb was right, it was deplorable.


Similaly with 9/11, most people think of the twin towers. Lots less think of the attack on the Pentagon because that could be constituted as a legitimate military/government target, even if it was a plane full of civilians which was used for the attack.


Ultimately, I'm with LP on this one. Does America's foregin policy mean that we should remember or grieve for those civilians who died and their families any less? How would you feel if a terrorist had killed someone you knew? Would it be any more acceptable just because our government's foreign policy is bullshit?


Had they lived, many of the victims of 9/11 probably would have been against America's role in Iraq. America is asking for it a lot of the time with its foreign policy, as is Britain to a degree these days. But targetted attacks designed to murder as many ordinary civilians as possible? Regardless of whether it's Al Quaeda, America, Israel, Iraqi insurgents etc, it's never even remotely condonable.

From: -Daz-12 Sep 2006 14:55
To: lp 34 of 64

Where were you on the night of July 28th when Nguku Muntabae was assaulted on Paddington Green?


See? It all ties in.