Winter CD.

From: Username21 Nov 2006 00:31
To: Manthorp 23 of 126

No. Its /was/ my baby. The time is over.
I dont want ideas from minds 2 months when I asked for winter records.
Ideas will be different now.
The deal is off.
You do not have rights to my project.

From: Manthorp21 Nov 2006 00:33
To: ALL24 of 126
You do not have rights to my project.

So who wants to seriously peeve Trig?
From: -Daz-21 Nov 2006 00:34
To: ALL25 of 126
Oh, go on then. I'm busy at the mo but I'll do a summary tomorrow.
From: Manthorp21 Nov 2006 00:36
To: -Daz- 26 of 126
You're a good 'un, despite what all the Irishes say.
From: Username21 Nov 2006 00:37
To: Manthorp 27 of 126
I dont mind. Its only the internet. I cant stop noone on the internet. What im I thinking. Do what you want.
From: Manthorp21 Nov 2006 00:38
To: -Daz- 28 of 126
ps. This does NOT make you any sort of young shaver, obliging or otherwise. You're still in the realm of the Werther sniffers, if not active suckers.
From: Manthorp21 Nov 2006 00:40
To: Username 29 of 126
It was and still is a good idea. pat yourself on the potato.
From: Username21 Nov 2006 00:46
To: Manthorp 30 of 126

This is the way I think. I like flipping the script. No one would consider making a Winter CD. Cause its leftfield and not considered special.
PS: The Stereo MCs are one of the best ever 1990s bands.
You know why the 1990s are the 1st best decade for music?
Its because all those 1990s artists had parents who grew up during the 2nd best decade for music. The 1960s.
Oasis liked The Beatles, The Who amounst others.
Blur liked The Kinks and everything essential English.

From: Manthorp21 Nov 2006 00:52
To: Username 31 of 126
So what are your two tracks?
From: milko21 Nov 2006 00:53
To: Username 32 of 126
Haha, that's a fun theory. But the 60s artists were all influenced by the guys who were pioneering that 'stealing the black sound' in the 50s, like Little Richard and so on. How's it different!? Surely the 00s are new NEW best since they steal off the 90s AND the 60s. AND the 70s and 80s. Hooray!
From: Username21 Nov 2006 01:02
To: milko 33 of 126

I agree with the last. Who knows what the parents of all these 00s bands and artists were playing as they were growing up.
Now thats blown right out the water a million miles high into another lifetime, another galaxy, another solar system... because of the inter wibble wide narrow broadband highway digital inter-eggfaces, net.
God knows what Amy Winehouse or The Ordinary Boy were downloading.
I swear im listening to The Specials or madness when The Ordinary Boys are on, or a black 60s female singer when Amy Winehouse is on.
But your right, future and today artists or bands have access to all kinds of music noww, that infuences them.

From: Username21 Nov 2006 01:08
To: Manthorp 34 of 126

Sorry mate. That thought process is long gone. Were well into Winter now. All my 2006 Winter memories have been created now. My mind is readying itself for Christmas now. The Christman songs are a distance away in the middle of my mind.
The momment for Winter track selection has gone dude. Its faded away. Its shadow has been cast. The fire is out.

From: Username21 Nov 2006 01:10
To: ALL35 of 126
Omg, shes a Pete Dochery waiting to happen.

From: Manthorp21 Nov 2006 01:13
To: Username 36 of 126
Fair dinkum.
From: JonCooper21 Nov 2006 01:18
To: Username 37 of 126
winter is after xmas down here
From: Username21 Nov 2006 01:25
To: JonCooper 38 of 126

I thought, Winter = Nov to March/April, no?
How is my HardDrive?

EDITED: 21 Nov 2006 01:25 by USERNAME
From: JonCooper21 Nov 2006 01:35
To: Username 39 of 126
nah, winter got moved
still sat waiting for me to have time to do something with it. (and it's my hard drive now)

[edit] actually, thinking about it, your winter could be that long, I forget Cornwall gets better weather than most places most of the time.
EDITED: 21 Nov 2006 01:39 by JONCOOPER
From: Dave!!21 Nov 2006 10:23
To: JonCooper 40 of 126
In the NE of England, Winter is usually December to February. We're still in the back end of Autumn at the moment and come March, that's when Spring tends to come along.
From: JonCooper21 Nov 2006 11:17
To: Dave!! 41 of 126
I'd have said end of Dec to end of Feb too, I've been out in a t-shirt today, it isn't winter yet.
From: mr_swayzee21 Nov 2006 11:47
To: Dave!! 42 of 126
Speaking from not too many miles away from Trig, it's pretty bloody wintery here, it has really taken a turn in the last few days, but I'll probaby wait for a good two sustained weeks of winter to proclaim the season in full swing.