Camera Profile Field

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)30 Aug 2006 16:24
To: ALL1 of 29
Lots of people here have cameras.

Can we have a relevant profile field added?
From: JonCooper30 Aug 2006 16:31
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 2 of 29
you're just full of ideas today, I just got through checking sticky threads

I can't think of a reason why not so I'll add it unless/untill someone objects (with a good reason)

tech or preferences? (or somewhere else?)
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)30 Aug 2006 16:37
To: JonCooper 3 of 29
Hmmm, what about a whole new category for non-PC hardware. Then could move the console field there and add an mp3 player category, and probably other stuff?
From: JonCooper30 Aug 2006 16:44
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 4 of 29
Blimey, I don't object but some here hate change with a vengance, let's see what people think.
From: koswix30 Aug 2006 16:53
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 5 of 29
Does anyone actually fill in/update their profile these days?
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)30 Aug 2006 16:55
To: JonCooper 6 of 29
While you're waiting can we have a couple of new folders for discussion's dedicated to green things and sliding?
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)30 Aug 2006 16:57
To: koswix 7 of 29
I do, every so often. And I try to check them before asking people questions that are answered in them.

I'm still of the opinion we should have a random trivia thing on the start page that picks a random profile field to display alongside the photo, which would increase their usefulness/interest.
(I have a feeling the outcome of that was, do it yourself and it might get added, but I haven't done any proper coding for ages. :()
From: koswix30 Aug 2006 16:59
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 8 of 29

How many shirts do you prefer?


(I like the random trivia idea :B )

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)30 Aug 2006 17:03
To: koswix 9 of 29
Um... 629711565 apparently.

That's a lot of shirts.
From: Golden Axe30 Aug 2006 17:38
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 10 of 29
Good idea, camera, mp3 player, Car/bike model driven (???), mobile phone, I'm sure there is more..
From: ANT_THOMAS30 Aug 2006 17:44
To: ALL11 of 29
If anyone finds out about us on the street we'll get mugged, mugged I tell thee.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)30 Aug 2006 17:49
To: ANT_THOMAS 12 of 29
Nah, we just need a field for putting martial arts in.

Well, that's all you need. The rest of us also need to become blackbelts in something.
From: Dave!!30 Aug 2006 18:06
To: koswix 13 of 29

I tend to keep mine relatively up to date and plenty of others seem to be reasonably up to date too.


One thing that might be handy from a development point of view is an entry for the "Date of last profile update".

From: Golden Axe30 Aug 2006 18:15
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 14 of 29
There might be two of us into MA.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)30 Aug 2006 18:19
To: Golden Axe 15 of 29
There's definitely more than two, but I'm not aware of anyone who is a blackbelt, other than Ant?
Message 30455.16 was deleted
From: Golden Axe30 Aug 2006 19:25
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 17 of 29
Not me, because I like to take it easy.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)31 Aug 2006 11:05
To: JonCooper 18 of 29
Well that's two in favour and no objections... (bounce)
From: paul31 Aug 2006 13:18
To: JonCooper 19 of 29

I have no objection.



From: Linn (INDYLS)31 Aug 2006 16:23
To: JonCooper 20 of 29
I have no objection.

(The date of last update idea is a good one too.)