Forum Olympics: HL2 DEATHMATCH

From: steve 4 Aug 2006 20:49
To: ALL1 of 22
Hello sexgays!

Lovely Peter Ixion has given us his server for the weekend! To play HL2:Death Match.

I think the easiest thing to do will be everyone on one server for an hour or so. I'll keep a tally of the frags (as we change maps they'll reset), and will add them up at the end. Highest score wins.etc


Say if you're playing.

And we need to pick a time. It can be any time this weekend: I think Sunday Evening will be best? Less people out then! And more time for people to see the thread!

People who've said they will play:
Ben Lumley, Mr. Swayzee, Dyl, Lindy, Steve G, Radio, Rendle, Wayne, Dave Fry, Chrisss.

quote: me :C
Server Address: /

Date/time: TBA

Say if people want to have a shoot-around for a giggle any time too!

(Xen: Do me and Pete get awards for organising? :( )
EDITED: 4 Aug 2006 20:50 by STEVE
From: Wayne (SCOREZ2000) 4 Aug 2006 20:52
To: steve 2 of 22

I'm up for a wee bash now.
Gonna log on and familiarise mysefl with the maps cus I haven't played it really.

From: steve 4 Aug 2006 21:01
To: Wayne (SCOREZ2000) 3 of 22
Stay on that server and I'll try and join you. Steam just spacked out quite excitingly! TRY!
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 4 Aug 2006 21:08
To: steve 4 of 22
Wee! Sunday Evening. I shall do my best to make it then, not entirely sure I will be able to yet. What happens if everyone who says they wanted to play doesn't make it? Do they just get left out of will something else be arranged?
From: steve 4 Aug 2006 21:34
To: Ixion 5 of 22
Hmmm :/!

I can't connect to RCON, I'ma look into it more - but it might be a port issue maybe! I think Pete's off on holiday already (but address to you just incase :D).

Even if I can't get in - the level it's on is pretty good :$ But we really need an admin to reset the game to start, and to change levels :D

I'ma sure we'll sort it! Sorry for ditching Wayne!
From: Ally 4 Aug 2006 22:12
To: steve 6 of 22
I should hopefully be able to get involved in that!
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE) 4 Aug 2006 22:19
To: steve 7 of 22
I should be around, as long as Willow goes to sleep properly. As long as we're talking after 8pm, should be fine.
From: steve 4 Aug 2006 22:33
Yeah, I was thinking 9/9:30pm. Whatever is best for everyone

I need to figure out this RCON problem :( I semi-hope it's because I connected with the IP and not the host name
From: Ben (BENLUMLEY) 4 Aug 2006 22:49
To: steve 9 of 22

if i am around, i will be there.


chances are i will be otherwise engaged however.


i have represented africa very poorly in these olympics :(

From: Linn (INDYLS) 5 Aug 2006 00:49
To: steve 10 of 22
I will try to be there. But only if someone can tell me how to connect to servers.

(because I always play alone and never learned how to do that)
From: Woggy 5 Aug 2006 12:35
To: steve 11 of 22
Does anyone fancy playing this afternoon or is this for Forum olympics only?
From: steve 5 Aug 2006 13:01
To: Woggy 12 of 22
Server is up all weekend, so we can.

I'm off to a friend's house (I think..) about 4, but before then is fine
From: steve 6 Aug 2006 00:19
To: ALL13 of 22
Shitfuck (fail) I am going out from 2 til laaaaaaate.

Anyone willing to take over RCON duties? I still can't figure it out I'm afraid, but I'm secretly hoping it's a problem with my computer (it takes about ten minutes to load the game, so probably..). It's basically a case of going rcon_password x, and then changing the levels! ^_^

SOrry :( *forfeits*
From: Dave 6 Aug 2006 00:34
To: steve 14 of 22

I may be able to do that, I want to play at least.


Going to bed now, so talk to me in the morning Stevebear.

From: steve 6 Aug 2006 00:39
To: Dave 15 of 22
Yay, I remember you being good at RCON jazz before I think.

I've PM'd you the password ^_^

From: Dave 6 Aug 2006 01:54
To: steve 16 of 22

All working Stevebear.


Right, Dave's in charge, tell me what maps you want.


Unless anyone has a problem with it, we start at 8, and finish at 9-ish. We'll play like 4 different maps, change every 15 - 20 minutes. I do need someone reliable to take a screenshot of the scores at the end of every round, because knowing my memorey I'll... erm... er.


I'll be there about 7:45 to get everything ready, so if we all get there before 8 for a bit of a practise, it can't hurt.
I've never played before, which is why I was having fun sucking urinals off walls and throwing them through windows, when I was meant to be remembering console commands.


Yeah, so map list, score person, and an award for being nice, please.

From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE) 6 Aug 2006 10:15
To: Dave 17 of 22
It would be much better for me if we could start at 9 and finish at 10ish. Please?
From: Dave 6 Aug 2006 16:10

That's /fine/.


We both get a 100 point headstart, and if we don't like someone being too good, I'll kick them. Right?

From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE) 6 Aug 2006 20:17
To: Dave 19 of 22
Sounds 100% fair to me. See you in 40.
From: Dave 6 Aug 2006 20:58
To: ALL20 of 22

Right, no one told me what maps they want to play so I get to decide. (I know no names of maps, so it could get boring).

