Half Life Deathmatch Fixtures & Results

From: steve 3 Aug 2006 20:51
To: Ixion 15 of 22
Haha, awesome! I'm not sure what kind of upstream we need to be honest; apparently 10 people have signed up to play!
From: Ally 6 Aug 2006 20:48
To: steve 16 of 22
Shat, I forgot to download HL2. Bit too late now.
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE) 6 Aug 2006 21:13
To: ALL17 of 22
Right, I was on that server for 15 minutes. Only Daveballs showed up, and I killed him with my rocket launcher which I'd found while waiting. I therefore declare that everybody else forfeits, and Burkina Faso wins gold (me) and silver (Daveballs, because it's taking part that counts). Bronze can fuck off because it's a shit metal.
From: Ixion 6 Aug 2006 21:16
Sounds fair enough to me, I did notice Daveballs had a ping of 3700 odd which can't have helped though. No commitment these "athletes". I bet they were all off their heads on smack.
From: Dave 6 Aug 2006 21:19
To: Ixion 19 of 22

My wife was talking to me and I made Steam go :& somehow. I went back, and no one was there. We win. I get an award for looking after the server so well.


And, I didn't even need to cheat.

From: Ixion 6 Aug 2006 21:25
To: Dave 20 of 22
You should sort her out, shouldn't she be in the kitchen washing up or something rather than talking to you when you're trying to play games? (only joking Andra!)
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE) 6 Aug 2006 21:36
To: Dave 21 of 22
Hurrah for Burkina Faso!

Et une seule nuit a rassemblée en elle
L'histoire de tout un peuple.
Et une seule nuit a déclenché sa marche triomphale
Vers l'horizon du bonheur.
Une seule nuit a réconcilié notre peuple
Avec tous les peuples du monde,
A la conquête de la liberté et du progrès
La patrie ou la mort, nous vaincrons.
From: Dave 6 Aug 2006 21:48
To: Ixion 22 of 22
Goddamn right.