From: mr_swayzee25 Jul 2006 15:44
To: ALL1 of 2

Please use this thread to organise fixtures amongst yourselves for TRACKMANIA NATIONS games.

Also we need to discuss how we are going to organise the races, one big race might be nice but probably hard to get a good time for it. has anyone hosted their own race on this game? can you post some simple instructions fro how we all might do this? 

also please post results after each game giving the final score, the winner, the group and your foralympic nationalities.

From: Username25 Jul 2006 15:56
To: mr_swayzee 2 of 2

TN, dosnt have races. Only multi laps, best times structure.


We could go Top Gear stylz. 5 practise laps then lap 6 the time is recorded.


Or like the game TN plays. 10 minutes, to set the fastest lap.


Dont know about setting up a server though.