POOL Fixtures & Results

From: andy29 Jul 2006 21:14
To: ALL45 of 123
Unbelievably, mine and Trig's games went 1-0, 1-1 and... 1-1 (we drew on 42 points each). What happens now? I TOOK SCREENSHOTS! I won on points :Y
EDITED: 19 Jun 2007 11:41 by ANDY
From: Linn (INDYLS)29 Jul 2006 21:21
To: mr_swayzee 46 of 123
Why do you leave every time I send you a play with me meassage? Huh?

Why won't anyone play with me?


Well fuck you. Fuck you all. I'm taking my mouse and leaving the internet forever.
From: Linn (INDYLS)29 Jul 2006 21:22
To: Username 47 of 123
Hey Trig, wanna play pool with me?
From: Username29 Jul 2006 23:02
To: andy 48 of 123
No, it was a Draw. Scores get shared.
From: Username29 Jul 2006 23:03
To: Linn (INDYLS) 49 of 123

Yeah. Im here for an hour or to.


I will refresh the forum every 5mins, love.

From: andy29 Jul 2006 23:16
To: Username 50 of 123
Fair enough. But the underlying, moral value of the scores is that my points are worth more.

I don't know why I posted this in the POOL thread. It will confuse Xen at least.
From: Username29 Jul 2006 23:21
To: andy 51 of 123
But this isnt places to decide the final or semi finals, so its scores shared atm.
From: andy29 Jul 2006 23:31
To: Username 52 of 123
Yeah but even though the scores are shared, my equal amount of points has a heavier weighting.
From: Username29 Jul 2006 23:33
To: andy 53 of 123

Yeah, but its a draw. :)
And its only the first round stages, so points in this group dont count, only match wins, loses or draws. :)

From: andy29 Jul 2006 23:35
To: Username 54 of 123
It's a metaphysical thing, I guess you wouldn't understand. If you put mine and your points under a microscope, even though they're the same number of points, mine would have more atoms. It's science.
From: Username29 Jul 2006 23:38
To: andy 55 of 123

I drew. :)


Dont give a fuck about points.
Can't stand an equal match eh?




First match: Andy - A Win.
Second match: Stephen - A Win.
Third match: A draw.



EDITED: 29 Jul 2006 23:39 by USERNAME
From: Linn (INDYLS)29 Jul 2006 23:43
To: Username 56 of 123

Indyls104, tell me what room.
From: Username29 Jul 2006 23:46
To: Linn (INDYLS) 57 of 123



Erm......... ok hold on.


We playing Pool or golf?

EDITED: 29 Jul 2006 23:47 by USERNAME
From: Linn (INDYLS)29 Jul 2006 23:47
To: Username 58 of 123
pool, this time.
From: Username29 Jul 2006 23:48
To: Linn (INDYLS) 59 of 123



Pool 1


I'll be "trigtrigtrig"

From: Linn (INDYLS)29 Jul 2006 23:53
To: Username 60 of 123
oh, erreeeefff... we are supposed to be playing yahoo pool or candyland pool, not jippi pool. 

Hang on while I will make an account.
From: Username29 Jul 2006 23:55
To: Linn (INDYLS) 61 of 123

OK cool


The "In-Off" room.


Im "Gamerzforumerz"



From: Username30 Jul 2006 00:00
To: Linn (INDYLS) 62 of 123
Chop chop, pumpkin.
From: andy30 Jul 2006 00:01
To: Username 63 of 123
No, no, I understand and embrace the draw. It's just that if anyone peeled back the surface of the draw, they would see that it's MORE of a draw to me. That's all I'm saying :)
From: Username30 Jul 2006 00:04
To: andy 64 of 123

Yeah. Cool. Draw. :)
If it was for a place in the semi final or final you would have won overall. :)