
From: Golden Axe24 Jul 2006 21:44
To: milko 5 of 22
I'm a 123reg member, depends if you trust me or not I guess.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)24 Jul 2006 21:51
To: milko 6 of 22
If you don't trust Goldenaxe, I also have a 123reg account.
From: milko24 Jul 2006 22:50
To: ALL7 of 22
I trust Golden_Axe entirely (and he IS named after one of my childhood favourites) but Peter is perhaps here more often and developing on Beehive sometimes so maybe it would make sense for him to look after it? I don't really mind though. Any thoughts?
From: Golden Axe24 Jul 2006 22:56
To: milko 8 of 22
Either way, I won't be offended or anything. I'm getting more and more involved in non-computery things these days (check my profile), and Peter seems to be just as into the forum and websites and so on.
From: Rowan24 Jul 2006 23:54
To: milko 9 of 22
Well, that sounds like we give PB the Awsome Responsibility of the domain name, then.
From: steve25 Jul 2006 00:38
To: Golden Axe 10 of 22
{{{{{{{{{{{{ Golden Axe }}}}}}}}}}}}}}
From: Ben (BENLUMLEY)25 Jul 2006 00:45
To: ALL11 of 22

i might buy a comedy domain name and point it here.


suppose our server has a shared ip though ... so it'd not work.

From: steve25 Jul 2006 00:46
To: Ben (BENLUMLEY) 12 of 22
From: Ben (BENLUMLEY)25 Jul 2006 08:23
To: steve 13 of 22
i was thinking of
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)25 Jul 2006 09:44
To: lp 14 of 22
Well I appear to be the chosen one, so my username is the usual boughtonp. :)
From: milko25 Jul 2006 09:49
To: Golden Axe 15 of 22
You are a gent. We are going to be in the hands of PB! Let's hope he doesn't use his newfound power for ill.
From: steve25 Jul 2006 10:08
To: milko 16 of 22
From: milko25 Jul 2006 10:14
To: steve 17 of 22
Haha. I will personally make amends if that happens. Then we'll have a Toytown theme.
From: Golden Axe25 Jul 2006 10:33
To: steve 18 of 22
Give it to Trig.
From: TrigStalker25 Jul 2006 16:39
To: Ben (BENLUMLEY) 19 of 22
I do that with my website, and it does work. You need to add as a parked domain with's control panel, and then, in the 123-reg panel, set the nameservers to be those of Teh's nameservers, and set the DNS of the domain to be whatever the IP you see when you type 'ping' into the command prompt. It takes a couple of days to work, but it does.
From: Ben (BENLUMLEY)25 Jul 2006 23:57
To: TrigStalker 20 of 22



i know.


i prefer to change the A record however, instead of the DNS.


i don't have access to the control panel/httpd.conf/whatever else places use here though ... so i can't fiddle with it and add comedy domain names i'm afraid, not without asking for help, which kind of ruins the point.

From: TrigStalker26 Jul 2006 00:39
To: Ben (BENLUMLEY) 21 of 22
Would there be any benefit from changing the A record instead of the DNS?
From: Ben (BENLUMLEY)27 Jul 2006 08:29
To: TrigStalker 22 of 22

um ...


i think it lets the email continue to be handled by the original ISP, just forwarding the http to the other place. ... but i may be wrong! and even if i'm not, i know you can do it with the mx thingy.


i guess it comes down to lazyness ....


in my case, it saves me setting up DNS servers. (on reflection ... this is the real reason!)


It would also be one thing to change instead of 2.