
From: Ben (BENLUMLEY)25 Jul 2006 23:57
To: TrigStalker 20 of 22



i know.


i prefer to change the A record however, instead of the DNS.


i don't have access to the control panel/httpd.conf/whatever else places use here though ... so i can't fiddle with it and add comedy domain names i'm afraid, not without asking for help, which kind of ruins the point.

From: TrigStalker26 Jul 2006 00:39
To: Ben (BENLUMLEY) 21 of 22
Would there be any benefit from changing the A record instead of the DNS?
From: Ben (BENLUMLEY)27 Jul 2006 08:29
To: TrigStalker 22 of 22

um ...


i think it lets the email continue to be handled by the original ISP, just forwarding the http to the other place. ... but i may be wrong! and even if i'm not, i know you can do it with the mx thingy.


i guess it comes down to lazyness ....


in my case, it saves me setting up DNS servers. (on reflection ... this is the real reason!)


It would also be one thing to change instead of 2.