Teh Lack of Speed

From: andy 6 Jul 2006 01:00
To: Matt 55 of 72
If you're ordering them so the longest emoticons are first then it sounds like it shouldn't matter, good work!
From: Ben (BENLUMLEY) 6 Jul 2006 01:10
To: Matt 56 of 72
care to share the name of said profiler?
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE) 6 Jul 2006 09:17
To: Matt 57 of 72
I'll take a look at the threads_any_unread function...
From: Matt 6 Jul 2006 10:42
To: Ben (BENLUMLEY) 58 of 72
XDebug and WinCacheGrind to examine the profiles it creates.
From: Dave!! 7 Jul 2006 11:18
To: ALL59 of 72

Just had an hour if it being virtually dead including an error from the server which was:


Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /var/www/vhosts/tehforum.co.uk/httpdocs/forum/include/emoticons.inc.php on line 103
Call Stack
# Function Location
1 {main}() /var/www/vhosts/tehforum.co.uk/httpdocs/forum/messages.php:0
2 message_display() /var/www/vhosts/tehforum.co.uk/httpdocs/forum/messages.php:386
3 message_split_fiddle() /var/www/vhosts/tehforum.co.uk/httpdocs/forum/include/messages.inc.php:618
4 emoticons->emoticons() /var/www/vhosts/tehforum.co.uk/httpdocs/forum/include/messages.inc.php:477
5 count () /var/www/vhosts/tehforum.co.uk/httpdocs/forum/include/emoticons.inc.php:103


Not sure if it's any use, but I thought I'd post it just in case :)

From: Manthorp10 Jul 2006 22:37
To: Matt 60 of 72
Don't know if you've been tinkering, Matt, but it's been significantly speedier today and tonight.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)10 Jul 2006 22:45
To: Matt 61 of 72
From: Matt10 Jul 2006 23:30
To: Manthorp 62 of 72
Some of the tweaks I've made to BH are in use here now and I've got some more to come as well, but I think it's mostly down to finding a balence between Apache and MySQL.
From: Dave!!11 Jul 2006 08:41
To: Matt 63 of 72
Well either way, it's roaring along very nicely indeed at the moment. I just clicked "reply" and the reply window took only about second to load! So nice one Matt and all that :)
From: Woggy11 Jul 2006 15:53
To: ALL64 of 72
Aye, it's definitely a hell of a lot better just now. Yay!
EDITED: 11 Jul 2006 15:53 by WOGGY
From: Matt11 Jul 2006 21:47
To: ALL65 of 72

I've done that USER_THREAD thing (that Mark was on about) and made unread messages only remember up to a configurable number of seconds away (defaults to 1 year now but can be set to -1 seconds to go back to the old default) so if you want to you can set up a forum to never remember unread threads (0 second cutoff) which while mostly pointless someone might find a use for.


Only slight loss of functionality means loosing the [x new of y] bit on threads which haven't been modified since the cutoff and instead they'll display as being fully read. You'll still be able to find threads with posts addressed to yourself easily using the right option and find recent unread threads so I really don't see that as being a problem.



From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)11 Jul 2006 21:51
To: Matt 66 of 72
Thank you Matthew Beale.
From: Stoo11 Jul 2006 21:53
To: ALL67 of 72
Beautifully speedy at present.
From: Woggy11 Jul 2006 22:27
To: Matt 68 of 72
It's useable again, which is great. Cheers dude.
From: Linn (INDYLS)11 Jul 2006 22:37
To: Matt 69 of 72
From: Mod_Inside (MODINSIDE)12 Jul 2006 08:35
To: Matt 70 of 72

Well done Matt a massive difference to how it had become.


Absolutely spot on.

From: Dave!!12 Jul 2006 09:49
To: Matt 71 of 72
Some trade-offs have to be made and I'll take a nice speedy forum over a small piece of extra functionality which I might find useful once every few years every time :)
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)12 Jul 2006 10:50
To: Matt 72 of 72

Hurrah for doing that thing I was on about, then.


Good work, though, seriously. Massive improvement.