Slow Slow Forum

From: Mod_Inside (MODINSIDE)19 Jun 2006 12:07
To: ALL1 of 34

Is it just me or has the forum got as slow as a week in the jail again?


Was good for a while there, but more then ever it is agonisingly slow.

From: -Daz-19 Jun 2006 12:08
To: Mod_Inside (MODINSIDE) 2 of 34
Same here, but it's never particularly swift for me anyway.
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)19 Jun 2006 12:27
To: Mod_Inside (MODINSIDE) 3 of 34

It's all slowed down a bit, but the message pane specifically has got horribly slow; I suspect some kind of overprocessing is going on, which is having a knock-on effect on the server performance generally.


<wonders if somebody's done something weird to fix_html again>

From: andy19 Jun 2006 12:49
Doubt it'd be fix_html - it's only used at run-time when a post is very long (if (too long) { truncate; fix_html; }).
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)19 Jun 2006 13:45
To: andy 5 of 34

Seems to have sped up a bit now.


I'm playing with the XSLT stuff at the moment. Just working out how to do the localization with it.

From: Matt19 Jun 2006 17:35
To: ALL6 of 34
How about now?
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)19 Jun 2006 17:38
To: Matt 7 of 34
Not the fastest it's ever been, but certainly at a usable speed.
From: ANT_THOMAS19 Jun 2006 17:44
To: Matt 8 of 34
Certainly good for me, and has been since I got home from Uni.
From: JonCooper19 Jun 2006 20:50
To: Matt 9 of 34
better than the last few days, but not as quick as it has been in the past
From: Mod_Inside (MODINSIDE)19 Jun 2006 21:48
To: Matt 10 of 34

Certainly a difference Matt, thanks for that.


It just seemed to get slower and slower, although remember the last change you made that gave it steroids!!

From: cynicoid21 Jun 2006 07:51
To: Matt 11 of 34

Still slow for me, as in click a thread and wait 20 seconds for it to appear, same for any other action.


Been slow for a while now, not said anything as it's usually fixed in a couple of days. About two months ago it was lightning fast - faster than its ever been, just seemed to get gradually slower since.


How long, for comparison, does everyone else have to wait for a thread to appear after clicking the link?

From: Mod_Inside (MODINSIDE)21 Jun 2006 08:27
To: cynicoid 12 of 34
It seems lightning fast again for me now, click link and a sec later its loaded.
From: cynicoid21 Jun 2006 19:29
To: Mod_Inside (MODINSIDE) 13 of 34
A little faster maybe...sometimes 5 seconds, sometimes 10 after clicking a subject before it appears.
From: Stoo21 Jun 2006 21:12
To: cynicoid 14 of 34
It's the same for me, though it varies seemingly at random.
From: Stoo26 Jun 2006 14:12
To: ALL15 of 34
Crazy slow for me today. :<

By 'slow', i'm talking upwards of 15-20 seconds to display a thread once clicked on.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)26 Jun 2006 14:17
To: Stoo 16 of 34

Same here. Except clicking reply just now was relatively nippy. But displaying threads, and the threadlist, is painful. :(


(Posting & bringing up the edit screen both took 'only' about 5 seconds.)

EDITED: 26 Jun 2006 14:19 by BOUGHTONP
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)26 Jun 2006 14:28
To: ALL17 of 34
Same as PB now :( *hugs devs*
From: 388405efit03=1-0 (KABINGER)26 Jun 2006 20:05
To: ALL18 of 34
Maybe it's time for a hosting upgrade? It seems like this kind of thing happens all too often. I'd love to chip in, but due to a mortgage I'm on a strict buget. :(
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)26 Jun 2006 20:21
To: 388405efit03=1-0 (KABINGER) 19 of 34
We're on a VPS - that should be more than enough?
From: Matt26 Jun 2006 21:15
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 20 of 34
VPS being Virtual Private Server. We don't have exclusive use of this machine, we have to share it with an unknown number of other virtual servers which all run on the host machine and all have to use the same resources.

Last time I saw anything resembling a list of virtual servers there were at least 25 of them in the list. I don't know if they were all on this machine or not, but it certainly looked that way.

We have a guarenteed minimum of 512MB RAM (we actually were on 256MB but they upgraded us for free) the host machine itself only has 3GB RAM and we share everything else with the other virtual machines, including disk space, CPU time, network bandwidth and well everything actually. If there really are 25+ virtual servers on this machine you can see how it only having 3GB RAM would be the problem.

Especially if they're all running Beehive.