Daily Nietzsche Quote Section

From: Linn (INDYLS)15 Jun 2006 02:01
To: 388405efit03=1-0 (KABINGER) 32 of 47
I was trying to find something else and found this, but I like it:

It is hard enough to remember my opinions, without also remembering my reasons for them!
From: 388405efit03=1-0 (KABINGER)15 Jun 2006 03:25
To: Linn (INDYLS) 33 of 47
I feel the same way at times.
From: 388405efit03=1-0 (KABINGER)15 Jun 2006 04:45
To: ALL34 of 47
Why do I know more than other people? Why, in general, am I so clever? I have never pondered over questions that are not really questions. I have never wasted my strength. I have no experience, for instance, of actual religious difficulties. I am quite unfamiliar with the feeling of "sinfulness." Similarly I lack a reliable criterion for determining a prick of conscience: from what one hears, a prick of conscience does not seem to me anything very worthy of veneration. . . . I dislike to leave an action of mine in the lurch; I prefer to omit utterly the bad result, the consequences, from any problem involving values. In the face of evil . consequences it is too easy to lose the proper standpoint from which to view an action. A prick of conscience seems to me a sort of "evil eye." Something that has failed should be all the more honored just because it has failed-this agrees much better with my morality.-"God," "the immortality of the soul," tcsalvation," a "beyond"-these are mere notions, to which I paid no attention, on which I never wasted any time, even as a child-though perhaps I was never enough of a child for that-I am quite unacquainted with atheism as a result, and still less as an event: with me it is instinctive. I am too inquisitive, too skeptical, too arrogant ', to let myself be satisfied with an obvious and crass solution of things. God is such an obvious and crass solution; a solution which is a sheer indelicacy to us thinkers-at bottom He is really nothing but a coarse commandment against us: ye shall not think! . . . I am much more interested in another question which the "salvation of humanity" depends much more than upon any piece of theological curiosity: the question of nutrition.
(Ecce Homo)
From: william (WILLIAMA)15 Jun 2006 08:10
To: 388405efit03=1-0 (KABINGER) 35 of 47
Ecce Homo, Ecce Homo, Ecce Homo, Ecce Homo, Homo, Ecce Homo, Ecce Homo, Homo, Ecce Homo, Homo...
(Ecce Homo) Serge Gainsbourg
From: Manthorp15 Jun 2006 09:14
To: william (WILLIAMA) 36 of 47
Icky Homo Icky Homo Icky Homo...

(Trig (methinks he doth protest too much) let)
From: funky (ISA)16 Jun 2006 03:57
To: ALL37 of 47

Most likely factual:


"Ahem! You out there, honey? Could you please go fetch the toilet paper, we've run out and I didn't notice until it was too late..."



From: 388405efit03=1-0 (KABINGER)16 Jun 2006 21:35
To: funky (ISA) 38 of 47
He really galls you, doesn't he tootse?
From: funky (ISA)16 Jun 2006 21:37
To: 388405efit03=1-0 (KABINGER) 39 of 47
well, not really. I have never read any of his works. I am ignorant.
From: 388405efit03=1-0 (KABINGER)16 Jun 2006 21:38
To: funky (ISA) 40 of 47
The reason I ask is because he has some pretty extreme views of women. Personally, I chalk it up to sexual frustration.
From: Manthorp16 Jun 2006 22:55
To: 388405efit03=1-0 (KABINGER) 41 of 47
This was the man who wrote The Gay Science...
From: 388405efit03=1-0 (KABINGER)16 Jun 2006 23:20
To: Manthorp 42 of 47
From: funky (ISA)17 Jun 2006 05:05
To: 388405efit03=1-0 (KABINGER) 43 of 47

ah, well, maybe that explains why I've never bothered to read him much.


I also tend to feel like...pah! he's dead. he's gone. let's make new philosophies and move on, ffs.

From: 388405efit03=1-0 (KABINGER)17 Jun 2006 06:23
To: funky (ISA) 44 of 47
And that's what others have done; they've expanded on what's been said in the past. I think the past can serve as a foundation for the present.
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)17 Jun 2006 10:52
To: 388405efit03=1-0 (KABINGER) 45 of 47
Didn't he have a thing for his sister?
From: Stoo17 Jun 2006 14:52
To: ALL46 of 47
Another Schopenhauer one for you all:

A quick test of the notion that enjoyment outweighs pain in this world, or that they are at any rate balanced would be to compare the feelings of an animal engaged in eating another with those of the animal being eaten.
From: 388405efit03=1-0 (KABINGER)17 Jun 2006 20:01
He would have if he was still alive when his sister became enraptured with Hitler. She basically gave Hitler permission to use Nietzsche's writings to further his own ends, and we all know where that ended up. Nietzsche like Jews, and would have been horrified at the thought.