Foralympics - countries and events

From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)31 May 2006 09:50
To: Manthorp 43 of 102

Against the humiliating bondage of a thousand years
Rapacity came from afar to subjugate them for a hundred years.
Against the cynical malice in the shape
Of neo-colonialism and its petty local servants.
Many gave in and certain others resisted.
But the frustrations, the successes, the sweat, the blood
Have fortified our courageous people and fertilized its heroic struggle.

Dum-dum-de-dum-dum-dum etc etc

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)31 May 2006 09:54
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)31 May 2006 10:02
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 45 of 102
It positively trips off the tongue in the original French, but it's a filthy language which I do not endorse.
From: Judderman31 May 2006 16:43
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 46 of 102

If they happen after the 20th or so then I'd be up for Rome:TW, which I'm faily good at, I'm not bad at minesweeper flags and if Othello is Go! I used to be mediocre at that.


I don't care which team I play for, which ever teams needs me / needs a handicap.

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1 Jun 2006 01:02
To: Judderman 47 of 102



Consider yourself recruited :{)

From: Judderman 1 Jun 2006 11:10
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 48 of 102
Good stuff.
From: af (CAER) 1 Jun 2006 22:23
To: ALL49 of 102
I hereby put myself forward for Literati, which I am really good at.

Also I will play GOFL which I am not very good at but nonetheless find enjoyable. I have Trackmania Nations installed but only a keyboard with which to play it. I may purchase an Xbox 360 pad to insert into my PC.
From: mmm (JAY) 1 Jun 2006 22:25
To: af (CAER) 50 of 102

355 :((


I don't suck as much as those pictures suggest, but you certainly gave me a hammering there, old boy. :{)

From: af (CAER) 2 Jun 2006 16:16
To: mmm (JAY) 51 of 102

Aye and to be fair you have beaten me by similar margins too.



From: dyl 4 Jun 2006 14:59
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 52 of 102
I only just discovered this. Am I too late? Cos I will kick your ass at Literati and lose spectacularly at Trackmania. If Half Life Deathmatch duels were in there, though, I would undoubtedly win with my sneaky tactics. I'm quite nifty on Duke Nukem 3d also. And quite ok at Othello.
From: mr_swayzee 4 Jun 2006 15:19
To: dyl 53 of 102

I don't think you're too late yet Dyl

Do you want to play for Tuva with me

I haven't got any fellow countrymen yet.


From: dyl 4 Jun 2006 15:21
To: mr_swayzee 54 of 102

Do we need teams? Is that how it works? Do I have to be able to throat-sing? I can't :(


My only reservation is that we may have similar strengths & weaknesses. Unless we're allowed to play Duke Nukem 3d deathmatch, in which case you need me. But in principle, yes.

From: mr_swayzee 4 Jun 2006 15:27
To: dyl 55 of 102

well I've never played Literati but I can play Trackmania.


From: dyl 4 Jun 2006 15:29
To: mr_swayzee 56 of 102
Ok, then, call me Tuvan.
From: dyl 4 Jun 2006 15:30
To: mr_swayzee 57 of 102
Literati is pretty much Scrabble, incidentally.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 4 Jun 2006 16:57
To: dyl 58 of 102

Not too late!


I'm holding off a bit cos Judderman wants it after the 20th and Sinky after the 12th.


And and if you can get people to play HLDM and the other one with you then that can be a sport too!

From: Ben (BENLUMLEY) 4 Jun 2006 17:41
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 59 of 102
Me and my buddies at Team Africa will play Team Deatchmatch on something, can't remember if HLDM has it?
EDITED: 4 Jun 2006 17:41 by BENLUMLEY
From: dyl 4 Jun 2006 17:51
To: Ben (BENLUMLEY) 60 of 102

I'm sure it does. If not, we can just add up kills.


I'm still up for some Duke3d deathmatch. There's a shareware version - actually, isn't the whole thing shareware now? - and since the source code was released, it's been ported to Windows.

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 4 Jun 2006 17:52
To: Ben (BENLUMLEY) 61 of 102
Find out. The more games, the merrier better more.
From: Ben (BENLUMLEY) 4 Jun 2006 23:35
To: dyl 62 of 102

point me at it, and i'll look.


how many people in your country? Africa has 3

EDITED: 4 Jun 2006 23:36 by BENLUMLEY