Southern (early) Summer meet

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)22 Jun 2006 23:13
To: steve 72 of 129
I don't think there is normally a finishing time - people tend to slope away gradually as the afternoon/evening/night goes on.
From: steve22 Jun 2006 23:15
To: milko 73 of 129
Haha, doubt I could stay that long :( If I do /drink/ I will try and intersperse with lots of coke and food - else I risk ending up in Weymouth :(


*spys on thread for getting-there times* ^_^
From: johngti_mk-ii23 Jun 2006 08:36
To: steve 74 of 129

It will probably take longer to go on the tube than it will to walk the extra distance, especially since the northern line closures suck balls.


Have fun!!

From: Voltane23 Jun 2006 12:25
To: steve 75 of 129

I'll be getting there about 2pm as it stands.


And I might not be there too late as I may have to get back for a big gaming night at a mates.

EDITED: 23 Jun 2006 12:26 by VOLTANE
From: steve23 Jun 2006 12:28
To: Voltane 76 of 129
I'm looking to get there about then then, although I might well go earlier and wonder around the shops for a bit.

*making sure he doesn't dress to be mugged* ^_^ There are only old ladies in Bournemouth so one is not used to DANGER
From: paul23 Jun 2006 17:29
To: Voltane 77 of 129

Any chance of a heads-up of those definitely attending tomorrow plus an indication of expected arrival times?


Just so I can plan my day...




Edit: that should have been to All:



EDITED: 23 Jun 2006 17:31 by PAUL
From: milko23 Jun 2006 17:41
To: paul 78 of 129
Aiming for like, 3pm or something I guess. It sorta depends, I will be there though. Urm. Messy. I can post with a better idea in the morning perhaps!
From: paul23 Jun 2006 17:43
To: milko 79 of 129

LOL! Cheers Mike!


No 'shopping' now...



From: milko23 Jun 2006 17:53
To: paul 80 of 129
It's so rare I venture into central london I almost could get lost this time. Almost :)
From: steve23 Jun 2006 17:56
To: paul 81 of 129
Chances are I'll be there very early, but I want to wonder around the shops and maybe walk along to Hamley's and there's an ace camera shop nearby - so I'ma take my Canon AE1P and try and flog it to them, as they buy for stupid prices.

If some forumy people (yourself, pb, milko, voltane maybe?) can PM me your mobile numbers?

As I'm getting there early I can arrive at anytime, so I'll just see what everyone else says!

It's a shame I didn't work out trains sooner, if I'd had booked with MEGATRAIN a fortnight or so ago, it'd be £6 return (you can get from here to Birninham for £2 with that!) - but it's gonna be £22 with YPR, but that's still good!
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)23 Jun 2006 17:57
To: paul 82 of 129
I'll be aiming to leave around 1pm, but I'll probably end up being disorganised and miss the first train, and get the half-past one, arriving Charing Cross around 2pm and at the Fitzroy Tavern about fifteen-twenty minutes later, if the TFL journey planner can be trusted.

The imaginary voices in my head haven't told me if they want to come yet, but I expect they wont so it will just be me.
From: steve23 Jun 2006 18:16
To: ALL83 of 129
Thankyou everyone! ^_^

Mine is 07944 714030 :O But I will say that it'd be better to text me, as I hate answering my phone on trains ><! And I will be quite paranoid on the streets with it too :$
From: Voltane23 Jun 2006 18:36
To: steve 84 of 129

Heh, just pm'd you and asked if your number was still....and then saw your post.


And if people confirm then they'll be added.


Milko: Is it just you or the whole welsh-in-london posse (ie, Matt) coming too?

From: DrBoff (BOFF)23 Jun 2006 18:47
To: steve 85 of 129
I never knew there was a megatrain. So I look and see if I could get home for cheaper!


From: paul23 Jun 2006 18:50
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 86 of 129

Can't you walk that bit?


It only looks about half an inch on the map </transport manager mode>


I dunno, bloody excuses...



From: Manthorp23 Jun 2006 18:57
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 87 of 129
If it's a really megatrain it'll take a run at it and jump it. Make sure you steady your lager.
From: milko23 Jun 2006 19:39
To: Voltane 88 of 129
Think it's just me, but one never knows for sure...
From: steve23 Jun 2006 19:50
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 89 of 129
Haha yes :( I need to get to Oxford next month, and the Birnigniham (heh :$) train goes through there, but I'm not sure what they'd be like ticket wise. As it's well - £2 to Birningham, and about £20 to Oxford.. hmm :D
From: dyl23 Jun 2006 20:24
To: steve 90 of 129

"We're very much staying friends"


I guess that rules out you posting all the photos of her that she wouldn't want you to put on the internet, then.

From: Edd23 Jun 2006 21:03
To: ALL91 of 129
I'll probably be there