Southern (early) Summer meet

From: steve17 Jun 2006 14:39
To: Stoo 44 of 129
I am feeling a lot better today, the last two days I've been completely numb, in tears pretty much constantly, had no sleep, and not eating *anything* ><

And I think I will come, I can (afaik - I've forgotten :D) get a train to only a ~mile walk from the pub! And it would be nice to see everybody ^_^
From: milko17 Jun 2006 15:26
To: steve 45 of 129
Hey fella we've pretty much all been there and it gets better sooner or later at least. Pretty miserable til then though eh. I'm sure I or someone could meet you at the station if you're worried about finding your way.
From: steve17 Jun 2006 15:30
To: milko 46 of 129
I reckon I'd be okay finding it (as long as I had someone's number to ring when I end up lost), and might maybe see if anyone is walking that way depending how late we finish - London scares me at night

And yeah :( I've kinda got past constantly thinking she's going to say we made a mistake, and have accepted it. I just can't really think what it is I done before I with her @.@
From: milko17 Jun 2006 15:42
To: steve 47 of 129
Mainly it was make ridiculous animations and stuff, I think. And photomagraphy.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)17 Jun 2006 15:51
To: steve 48 of 129

I had this thought that since you don't know what to do with yourself, you should go for a change of image. Like, for example, changing your signature colour from purple to green.


And then I had a bit more of a think about that; ginger hair, beard, likes wearing hats, lovely new green outfit. Um. Don't walk through London at night. They'll be after your lucky charms...

From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)17 Jun 2006 15:54
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 49 of 129

*has a think*


*hopes Steve isn't going to be hideously insulted*


If you're hideously insulted, let me know, and, um, I'll send you a postcard of a moose or something.

From: steve17 Jun 2006 16:07
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 50 of 129
I am horrendously tempted to turn up dressed as a leprachorn now. Apparently my hair makes me look more like a scarecrow at present /m/
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)20 Jun 2006 22:30
To: steve 51 of 129
Do it! Do it! Do it! :D

We could have a fancy dress meet - I just need to strip off for an instant skeleton costume... Although maybe that isn't such a good idea; don't want all the women in the place after my beautiful body. :B

Um, anyway, you are coming yes?
I'll probably be going back in roughly the same direction (southish) and would be happy to escort you to the station.
(I'm not a real Londonder like Milko, but I kinda know my way around without getting lost. I think. :S )
From: milko20 Jun 2006 22:58
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 52 of 129
I am a far from real Londoner I'm afraid. I spend most of my time in west London, like Chiswick and Shepherds Bush and Ealing. Probably only get to central london once or twice a month.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)20 Jun 2006 23:17
To: milko 53 of 129
Oh. Did you used to live there, or did I completely make that up in my head?
From: milko20 Jun 2006 23:52
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 54 of 129

I've lived in north london, south london and west london but never closer than mid-zone 2 I suppose. But my social life has gradually worked its way west in the past few years, that's all. So I tend not to have so many reasons to end up in the middle, it's not like many of the shops aren't duplicated elsewhere.


Hey, I'm in Farringdon tomorrow night for Cat Power though.

From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)21 Jun 2006 07:03
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 55 of 129
Where ya wanna go? I'll take you :Y unless I have to run or something. Roar.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)21 Jun 2006 09:52
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 56 of 129
I want to go to the Oort cloud, or the Kuiper belt; either would do.
When do we leave? :D
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)21 Jun 2006 10:32
To: milko 57 of 129

I didn't even know she was touring!


The new album's been sort of bubbling under on my "I should probably buy it eventually" list - I heard the title track and it was a bit odd to hear a full band with slick production, and so I was a bit meh.


Hopefully she won't flip out and destroy the entire venue or anything.

From: milko21 Jun 2006 10:46
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 58 of 129
I think it's a one-off or something. Can't remember. What's the new album? The Greatest? It's pretty good, no You Are Free but better than some of the others. Yeah, I'm hoping that in the slightly sophisticated surrounds of the Barbican she doesn't manage to get too drunk to play at all, like last time I tried to seeum.
From: milko21 Jun 2006 12:07
To: ALL59 of 129
I'm getting more likely to be there, it seems!
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)22 Jun 2006 15:20
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 60 of 129
I'm sorry, but since I am a commie I need a visa for those :C
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)22 Jun 2006 15:29
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 61 of 129
Awww, no fair. :(
From: steve22 Jun 2006 20:36
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 62 of 129
I want to! Just to confirm - it's at the Fitzroy Tavern right? :$

I'm trying to work out the way, if I went on the TUBES it seems there are CRAZY TUBES on that day and I would need to get a thousand buses. But I'm so certain I'd found a route that was all trains and got me there XD *still looking*
From: steve22 Jun 2006 20:50
To: steve 63 of 129
Aha, if it is then it's Charing Cross I can get too ^_^ It doesn't look that far, but then again, London is very big :O