Southern (early) Summer meet

From: paul 8 Jun 2006 20:56
To: Voltane 26 of 129
We were due to be going to a Rock n Roll do on the Friday night but, seing as the venue burnt down last night, would leave Dianne and I as *almost certain to attends* now.

From: steve 8 Jun 2006 21:26
To: paul 27 of 129
That's creepy - I'm chatting to someone who's girlfriend was working in THAT co-op when it caught fire last night...
From: paul 8 Jun 2006 21:45
To: steve 28 of 129

It's about a five minute stroll from my house...


The main road through the *village* is still closed to through traffic :(


Luckily no one was hurt, apparently a 16yr old has been arrested for suspected arson.



From: steve 8 Jun 2006 21:49
To: paul 29 of 129
Yuhuh - he was ID'd and couldn't produce any, got fucked off, started fire!
From: paul 8 Jun 2006 21:54
To: steve 30 of 129

Arson is the new black round here...



From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)16 Jun 2006 16:19
To: Voltane 31 of 129

I am sorry to report that I may not be able to attend this one. My weekends at the moment seemed to be filled constantly.


Please can you move me to the maybe section and I will see what I can do.



From: milko16 Jun 2006 16:24
To: Voltane 32 of 129
I'll maybe myself on this too. Hope to make it.
From: Ixion16 Jun 2006 19:29
To: Voltane 33 of 129
As I now have to be in South Wales for the weekend, leading people round holes in the ground I'll have to give it a miss as well. Complete bummer really I was looking forward to catching up with everyone as it's been aaages since I made it along to a meet.
From: Voltane16 Jun 2006 21:02
To: Ixion 34 of 129



Hopefully more people will confirm next week.

From: paul16 Jun 2006 23:53
To: Voltane 35 of 129
Move me up to "I AM GONNA BE THERE!!!"

Anyone that fails to attend will be hunted down and forced to drink CherryB.


P.S. I might even drag Bob along...
EDITED: 16 Jun 2006 23:55 by PAUL
From: Voltane17 Jun 2006 00:29
To: paul 36 of 129



Added to definites.

From: steve17 Jun 2006 01:30
To: ALL37 of 129
I still might come, but me and Marianne split up last night (after nearly two years) - so I'm not really in the mood to do anything *skulks off to bed*
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)17 Jun 2006 08:38
To: steve 38 of 129




From: Voltane17 Jun 2006 10:31
To: steve 39 of 129
From: Ally17 Jun 2006 14:03
To: steve 40 of 129

From personal experience, you need to make yourself do things, otherwise it all gets on top of you. So go to the meet!


For the first time ever, I'm not working on a meet-day, and I've been meaning to spend a day in London for a while. Hmm hmmhmm.

EDITED: 17 Jun 2006 14:04 by ALLY
From: steve17 Jun 2006 14:23
To: Ally 41 of 129
I have been trying desperatly hard to do something, *everybody* is busy. Although there's the planned-for-a-while-now rounders match at Shell Bay (I live in Dark City :O) this Wednesday. We're very much staying friends, and still talking now - which is really really hard for me, as I can't get over her this quickly, but I don't want to throw away what we had before.. argh :(

*of the "will never find anyone as perfect" state of mind*
From: paul17 Jun 2006 14:29
To: steve 42 of 129

Commiserations dude.


Come to the meat anyway, it'll be a day out and much better than CherryB.





From: Stoo17 Jun 2006 14:36
To: steve 43 of 129

Condolences. :'-(


As said before, try to do things, even if if it's going out for a walk and listening to some music. See your friends if you can, and have a moan with them.


Long-term relationships are simultaneously the best, and also the worst things that you can ever experience (when they go wrong, natch) - don't let it get you down dude. :-(

EDITED: 17 Jun 2006 14:37 by STOO
From: steve17 Jun 2006 14:39
To: Stoo 44 of 129
I am feeling a lot better today, the last two days I've been completely numb, in tears pretty much constantly, had no sleep, and not eating *anything* ><

And I think I will come, I can (afaik - I've forgotten :D) get a train to only a ~mile walk from the pub! And it would be nice to see everybody ^_^
From: milko17 Jun 2006 15:26
To: steve 45 of 129
Hey fella we've pretty much all been there and it gets better sooner or later at least. Pretty miserable til then though eh. I'm sure I or someone could meet you at the station if you're worried about finding your way.