Southern (early) Summer meet

From: Voltane22 May 2006 13:20
To: ALL1 of 129

Been thinking about this for a while now.


We haven't had one since Christmas so we're overdue.


I'm thinking late June (24th) as i'm busy before then.


Venues that have so far been discussed (with no one from here) are:


Fitzroy Tavern (cheap and we know where it is)
Founder's Arms (not cheap, but we know where it is and it's close to the Thames)
Anchor? (By London Bridge tube station. cheaper than Founders and with a view of the Thames).






24th June at Fitzroy Tavern (Democracy has it) from around 2pm.




Peter Boughton
EP (+ maybe Bob)




Gajit and Gemsey
Keith & David

EDITED: 23 Jun 2006 17:45 by VOLTANE
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)22 May 2006 13:40
To: Voltane 2 of 129
I should be okay for June 22nd, and any weekend after that.

Never been to or heard of Anchor, but location-wise it's well placed for me. :)
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)22 May 2006 14:31
To: Voltane 3 of 129

I should be fine for that one unless I am playing cricket. But at the mo the team pick is rather random.


Yay another year another meat!

From: steve22 May 2006 15:07
To: Voltane 4 of 129

I could probably get to the Fitzroy, or any of the others actually.


I like how Thetrainline puts a "foot" journey on between Waterloo and Waterloo east. It'd only be a two hour journey for me, whoop.

From: paul22 May 2006 17:06
To: Voltane 5 of 129
Not sure of my availability due to various commitments but may put in an appearance...

Point to note: Isn't June 22nd a Thursday?

Message 29460.6 was deleted
From: Voltane22 May 2006 17:37
To: paul 7 of 129

Edited to 24th. Nice to see someone paying atention. :D


Steve: You must come!


Greg: You're not welcome. :P

From: steve22 May 2006 17:59
To: Voltane 8 of 129
Yay yes! I actually broke up from uni today :$ I'll see if Marianne wants to come too
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)22 May 2006 19:09
To: ALL9 of 129

Hurrah meats \o/
I really have no idea, but in principle I should be ok for any weekend.

From: paul22 May 2006 20:27
To: Voltane 10 of 129

24th June may just be do-able.


Fingers crossed. It'll be good to see the gang again...



From: PNCOOL23 May 2006 10:08
To: Voltane 11 of 129
Can we make it the Fitzroy? I can navigate the whole of that pub pissed, I've been there so often.
EDITED: 23 May 2006 10:09 by PNCOOL
From: Ixion23 May 2006 19:28
To: Voltane 12 of 129
Depending on my underground activities I'd like to make it to another London meet, it's been aaaaages since I last made it along to one.
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)23 May 2006 20:16
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 13 of 129
I'll join you.
Message 29460.14 was deleted
From: Edd24 May 2006 00:01
To: Voltane 15 of 129
I'll probably go, and what's more try not to get as drunk this time. By the way, are you going to Jesu/The capricorns in abit?
From: Voltane24 May 2006 10:28
To: Edd 16 of 129
are you going to Jesu/The capricorns

1) I didn't know about it.
2) I'll be in Italy for the Gods of Metal Festival. :'(
From: Stoo24 May 2006 21:26
To: ALL17 of 129
I might make an appearance. :{)
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)25 May 2006 10:50
To: Stoo 18 of 129



And waht have you done with the lost forum?


WELL explain your self now!

From: Stoo25 May 2006 11:24
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 19 of 129
We're moving hosts and the domain is kind of fucked at the moment.

Temporary home is here:
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)25 May 2006 11:34
To: Stoo 20 of 129

Ahh I see!


Shame that our firewall wont let me connect via ip address :@


I will hae to wait till I get home to look at Lost Pron :D