Title: The question is "hello"

From: milko15 May 2006 10:53
To: ALL1 of 7

Title: The question is "hello"

Hi there: 4 Votes (36.36%)
Get off.: 4 Votes (36.36%)
Oh look this is now in a scrolling box how nice.: 3 Votes (27.27%)
11 users and no guests have voted.
EDITED: 15 May 2006 10:55 by MILKO
From: milko15 May 2006 10:53
To: ALL2 of 7
The question was "hello" but without quotes.
From: milko15 May 2006 10:53
To: Matt 3 of 7
Well I think this kind of shows what I'm doing hopefully.
From: Matt15 May 2006 10:56
To: milko 4 of 7
So it's just the Question that doesn't work?
From: milko15 May 2006 11:07
To: Matt 5 of 7
Yeah, like I was saying. I typed into the question box, but it doesn't seem to go in the poll.
From: Matt15 May 2006 11:49
To: milko 6 of 7
Not sure how or why or when that got broken but it's now fixed. And I've added the missing Preview Voting Form button which I forgot I'd added the code for.
From: af (CAER)15 May 2006 21:20
To: ALL7 of 7
I get the impression there's more to this than first appears.