Forum Update 14th May

From: Matt14 May 2006 23:08
To: ALL1 of 15
What has changed:

  • New Create Poll page.
  • Thread Merging and Splitting is functional but still highly experimental.
  • New Deleted Thread functionality for moderators.

What's been fixed since last update (19th April):

  • PM Notification popup should be working again.
  • PM Notification shouldn't stop the rest of the frameset from loading.
  • Clicking "Upload Another File" won't clear files you've already selected for upload.
  • RSS Feed now works again for Guest users.
  • Attachments display was broken in PMs.
  • Dictionary now matches words better.

Issues you may encounter:

  • Style sheets have been updated. If some things look odd try a force refresh of the page or clear your cache. Can anyone explain why most browsers don't correctly notice that CSS files have been updated?

Many many other bugs have been fixed, most of which I've forgotten to enter into the CVS log so I can't remember what they are.

As mentioned the thread splitting and merging is very untested so I only recommend using it on 'throw away' threads which I guess mostly reside in the TEST STUFF HERE folder. I'm especially interested in making sure this works before 0.6.4 so those of you with the powers to do so please please do play about with it.

Any problems or suggestions or bugs to report reply here please.
From: Manthorp14 May 2006 23:15
To: Matt 2 of 15
Thanks Matt. You're a good 'un.
From: Dave!!14 May 2006 23:16
To: Matt 3 of 15

Yay! :D


Nice one Matt!

From: JonCooper15 May 2006 08:21
To: Matt 4 of 15
just went to the test stuff here folder and tried to split a thread at post 30

and got this error

Unknown error [1146]

Table 'tehforumdb.DEFAULT_THREAD_TRACKED' doesn't exist


Unknown error in line 130 of file

also: I was expecting to be able to name the new thread (or did I miss that bit?)
EDITED: 15 May 2006 08:30 by JONCOOPER
From: milko15 May 2006 09:53
To: Matt 5 of 15
quote: beeehive

Unknown error [8] Undefined index: MOVED_TID

Unknown error in line 661 of file

on my new polls test thread in 'teh forum' folder.

It seems to have posted it but I can't look at it.
From: Matt15 May 2006 09:57
To: JonCooper 6 of 15

That should be fixed now.


And no you can't name the thread yet. At the moment it uses the old thread name taken from the 1st post of the split or merged thread.

From: Matt15 May 2006 10:08
To: milko 7 of 15
And that is fixed also.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)15 May 2006 12:06
To: Matt 8 of 15
I just created a new thread (msg:29409.1) but it won't mark as read.

(Created in light mode, viewed it in both light and regular)

Going into thread options and manually setting it to 1 of 1 worked though.
From: milko15 May 2006 12:34
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 9 of 15
Getting the same problem with my two poll test threads as well.
Message 29401.10 was deleted
From: Matt15 May 2006 13:27
To: milko 11 of 15

Working now?


At least there is no reason for it not to work.

From: milko15 May 2006 13:53
To: Matt 12 of 15
Still showing as 6 new and 8 new respectively!
From: Matt15 May 2006 14:02
To: milko 13 of 15

And now?


(You'll have to click on the threads again to mark them as read.)

From: milko15 May 2006 14:34
To: Matt 14 of 15
Yay they've gone this time. Good work, stout fellow, cup of tea.
From: JonCooper15 May 2006 16:05
To: Matt 15 of 15
that's fixed very well - it took out the post secified and all related posts, leaving the original thread intact and creating a new one for the off topic post and it's replies, oh and left links to where all the moved posts had gone

all exactly as you expected I have no doubt, but very impressive