It's official.

From: milko29 Apr 2006 16:49
To: Matt 2 of 60
From: Dave!!29 Apr 2006 17:04
To: Matt 3 of 60
Does Beehive have any "pruning" tools to say, delete all messages over two years old or anything?
From: Ben (BENLUMLEY)29 Apr 2006 17:41
To: Matt 4 of 60



what proportion of that is attachements?

From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)29 Apr 2006 19:22
To: Matt 5 of 60

:& !!!
How much of that is the RSSfeed? If it still exists that is :$ Oh, and Trig's posts. :Y *gets impaled by Drew*

From: Matt29 Apr 2006 19:40
To: Ben (BENLUMLEY) 6 of 60
That is just the database.

The attachments being stored on the server as files are in addition to that. They only weight in at a measily 46.2MB though.

I'm not surprised or worried really. I'm actually quite liking that everything is performing not-too-bad™ at the moment. I've only noticed a few errors recently and the speed isn't bad at all either.
From: Matt29 Apr 2006 19:48
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 7 of 60
RSS Feed hasn't been running for a long time, almost a year in fact.

Trig currently has 3476 posts, of which 408 have been made since 1st April, which accounts for 9.56% of the total number of posts made in that same period. He has an averge daily post count of 13.60.

Not a lot then.

If you're interested, most costly users are:

Top 20 posters for period 01/01/2002 to 30/04/2006

User Total posts Posts Percent Average
Greg (MOORLOCK) 23338 23337 4.79% 14.76
milko 21308 21307 4.37% 13.48
Daniel Herman (HERMAND) 15546 15545 3.19% 9.83
steve 14314 14313 2.94% 9.05
Peter (BOUGHTONP) 14102 14101 2.89% 8.92
THE (RENDLE) 13742 13741 2.82% 8.69
Ben (BENLUMLEY) 12848 12848 2.64% 8.13
koswix 11884 11883 2.44% 7.52
truffy 10493 10493 2.15% 6.64
Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 9620 9619 1.97% 6.08
Manthorp 9517 9516 1.95% 6.02
Crowded (MOUSE) 8573 8572 1.76% 5.42
JonCooper 8538 8537 1.75% 5.40
some owls (X3N0PH0N) 8374 8374 1.72% 5.30
funky (ISA) 8305 8304 1.70% 5.25
Woggy 8304 8303 1.70% 5.25
Antoine (ANT_THOMAS) 8242 8241 1.69% 5.21
Darren 7930 7930 1.63% 5.02
Matt 7821 7820 1.60% 4.95
je suis (JAY) 7184 7184 1.47% 4.54
Total posts for this period: 487350

Message 29269.8 was deleted
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)29 Apr 2006 20:04
To: Matt 9 of 60

Sh!te, that's... a lot of posts :D
Hm... was there some sort of an archiving function in Beehive? I've no idea, I haven't followed it anywhere near closely enough :(

From: steve29 Apr 2006 20:13
To: Matt 10 of 60
I've been trying to cut down :'S
From: Matt29 Apr 2006 20:15
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 11 of 60
No there isn't. Was talked about but nothing happened.
From: Ben (BENLUMLEY)29 Apr 2006 20:28
To: Matt 12 of 60

i used to be much higher :@


been dropping since i got a job i have.

From: ANT_THOMAS29 Apr 2006 23:25
To: Matt 13 of 60

I'd be higher if I didn't have such a shit internet connection :@


Personally I blame Dan.

From: Dave!!29 Apr 2006 23:26
To: Ben (BENLUMLEY) 14 of 60
I thought I posted quite a bit recently. Obviously not :(
From: ANT_THOMAS29 Apr 2006 23:27
To: Dave!! 15 of 60
You have posted loads recently but this is from a few years ago! You only started the Trig-Baiting recently.
From: Dave!!30 Apr 2006 09:47
To: ANT_THOMAS 16 of 60
Oh no, I've been doing that since PCFF on Delphi :)
From: TEHTrigger (TRIGGERTEH)30 Apr 2006 10:28
To: Matt 17 of 60

Jesus fuck. I have replyed 409 times in one month.


Thats insane. Much like the internet.


Im gonna cut back. Like one visit in the morning, afteroon and night.

EDITED: 30 Apr 2006 10:31 by TRIGGERTEH
From: Matt30 Apr 2006 12:14
To: TEHTrigger (TRIGGERTEH) 18 of 60
No no, you've posted 409 times. The post count also includes the first post for each thread you've created be they in the Sanatorium or otherwise. Which makes it worse because not only have you posted at least 409 times this month you've potentially created at least 409 threads as well.

And cutting back won't work. You couldn't cut back any more than the rest of us could. We're all obsessed. Even if your life depended on it or even if our lives depended on it would you be able to do it and even if your Internet was cut off (god forbid) you'd find a way to post here and you know it.
From: TEHTrigger (TRIGGERTEH)30 Apr 2006 12:51
To: Matt 19 of 60

Addiction is bad.


I know it. You know it. Everyone knows it.

From: Ben (BENLUMLEY)30 Apr 2006 18:37
To: Matt 20 of 60

i can quit if i want.


i didn't come here for a whole 2 weeks about a year ago, just to show myself that i could do it!

From: ANT_THOMAS 1 May 2006 10:21
To: Matt 21 of 60

You're right about that. I left once ages ago because of the whole pinking incidents and a bit after that because I realised one night that all I did for that night was sit and click the 'Go' button to check for new posts. I knew I needed a break.


I don't think I'm anywhere near as bad these days, especially since my connection is poor so I sometimes can't get on and it's not the end of the world. And when there has been downtime I've not been thinking 'OMG I WANT TEH FORUM BACK' I just go and do something else.


The fact that a lot of us have posted by phone on here shows we're quite obcessed.