Forum Update 19th April

From: milko19 Apr 2006 20:07
To: Matt 2 of 10



<sees how many times things have been viewed>




This user session active for thing. What's it for? People can see how long people were here for? Admin thing then, right? Pondering.

From: Matt19 Apr 2006 20:27
To: milko 3 of 10

I was thinking about extending the Post Stats page in Admin to a more comprehensive Forum Stats which would include Post Stats, Thread View Stats, User Session Stats and all the stuff down there at the bottom of the message pane.


Another plan was to also have it all go somewhere where it can be viewed and used by all users or at the very least have it so that the Admin can generate a stats display which is viewable by the users but not updatable.


Either way it'll end up on it's own page rather than at the bottom of the message pane which means less clutter and ultimately less views which which means it doesn't update itself as often which means the number of hits against the database will go down further.

From: milko19 Apr 2006 20:33
To: Matt 4 of 10
Sounds good. I like the idea of a stats page for everyone thing.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)20 Apr 2006 01:32
To: Matt 5 of 10
You are a marvel.
From: Sulkpot20 Apr 2006 01:47
To: milko 6 of 10
This user session active for thing. What's it for?

The Nefarious Ends of the Diabolical Police State!

<is tied in a sack and bundled into a black van />
From: Manthorp20 Apr 2006 05:35
To: Matt 7 of 10
Thank you very much Matt.
From: Ben (BENLUMLEY)20 Apr 2006 07:23
To: Matt 8 of 10

this isn't a bug report - but something you've just reminded me of.


I was looking at an import export thing over the weekend. By coincidence, i had to nick the PMA one for something at work last week, which was a head start.


Anyhow ... i prodded it for a while with a view to beehive, but all of them use loops - which suprised me, and which i believe you advised was a bad idea. And i believe you.


So dead end.

From: milko20 Apr 2006 07:49
To: Sulkpot 9 of 10
Goodness me where have you been. A labour camp in Siberia possibly?
From: Dave!!20 Apr 2006 07:59
To: Matt 10 of 10
The "viewed" part is wikky! I haven't tried the PM export option, but then I haven't got any PMs to export anyway. Nice one though! :D