Back to the ~ bugger...

From: mr_swayzee 6 Apr 2006 22:48
To: paul 2 of 6

since when? and how did you post that message?


I've not noticed anything change

From: paul 6 Apr 2006 23:01
To: mr_swayzee 3 of 6

Posting is not a problem as it doesn't involve the need to go *back*.


But, should I decide not to continue with a Post I have to click the <Cancel> button to get back to the thread whereas a simple click on my back button used to suffice.



From: Ben (BENLUMLEY) 6 Apr 2006 23:03
To: paul 4 of 6

how odd


no such issues here


other browser try me do?

From: paul 6 Apr 2006 23:12
To: Ben (BENLUMLEY) 5 of 6

I have no ther browsers installed just now.


I was previously using Maxthon but that was refusing to acknowledge the back button on my mouse [Logitech MX610] completely whereas just now I only have problems with it on Teh with IE7 and only recently.


Must be me then...



From: paul 6 Apr 2006 23:18
To: paul 6 of 6



Seems it is an IE7 thang as I've just installed Firefox and all is well again...

