Forum Awards - Category nominations

From: dyl14 Feb 2006 03:18
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 22 of 38
The 'Rendle always wins "funniest poster" but I'm not bitter' award for the second funniest poster.
Nominations -


I don't believe I'm worthy, but if there's ever an award for "Poster Most Likely To Amuse Gregory Moorlock" I'll proudly accept it.

For the funny in general, though, I'd like to nominate Kenny. He makes me laugh a lot. And Darren. He does, too.

Also, Matt: wouldn't my sig be better placed in some sort of Signature Lifetime Achievement category?
EDITED: 14 Feb 2006 03:33 by DYL
From: dyl14 Feb 2006 03:21
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 23 of 38

I suppose I'm too late to suggest another category of the "GIYF award for member to most consistently show a complete lack of initiative"


Give us some warning before you close the nominations, if that's ok. Ta awfully.

EDITED: 14 Feb 2006 03:35 by DYL
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)14 Feb 2006 10:30
To: dyl 24 of 38
I'll leave the nominations open a bit longer, because I'm showing a rather large lack of initiative.
From: milko14 Feb 2006 11:00
To: dyl 25 of 38
re: sigs. Since the nominations (that I can remember off the top of my head) are you, Sulkpot and me, I think age isn't a barrier this time. Wait and I put forward Kenny's that's only like a year old or something. How about we give it to Atomica.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)14 Feb 2006 11:24
To: milko 26 of 38

The sig award's turned into a bit of a Q-Magazine-Best-100-Albums thing where it's always Sergeant Pepper, Radiohead, whoever's being hyped this year and Nevermind. Still, not to worry - if people come up with new sigs that are worthy of recognition, they'll edge the old favourites out.


I'd like to nominate Trig's potato sig, because I thought it really suited him.

From: SMD14 Feb 2006 18:47
To: ALL27 of 38
Who's Uncle Tony?
From: milko14 Feb 2006 18:57
To: SMD 28 of 38
Tony Ellis, moderator of the official PC Format Forum, back in 'the day'.
From: andy14 Feb 2006 19:23
To: milko 29 of 38
I still remember seeing your "music wot i like" site and thinking "this guy gets PAID for this?". Those certainly were the days.
From: milko14 Feb 2006 20:08
To: andy 30 of 38
Hahaha. That music you should hear thing got me a job it didn't directly get me paid. But yes. Man those days were a lark.
From: Manthorp14 Feb 2006 22:32
To: milko 31 of 38
Atomica's making such a vulgar play for the Recent Returnee category anyway...
From: Manthorp19 Feb 2006 01:35
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 32 of 38
Your presbyterian inner core knows that you've got to get up this morning, swingeing hangover or no, and set up the polls. Or I publish the photos.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)19 Feb 2006 01:55
To: Manthorp 33 of 38
The hangover's quite a likelihood.
From: Manthorp19 Feb 2006 01:58
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 34 of 38
Then the dawn-lit penance is a given.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)19 Feb 2006 12:38
To: Manthorp 35 of 38
It was one of those hangovers where I awoke freakishly early, alert and energetic, except for a slight rawness of the eyes, dryness of the mouth and mild pounding of the head.
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)23 Aug 2006 00:30
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 36 of 38

What about the best forum created project award?


Thinking about a certain summer cd that two members created cough cough :o)

From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)23 Aug 2006 04:09
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 37 of 38

Or the Fozza of the Dead and his Zombie Thread award for dragging up old threads?


(Admittedly, this one was marked as sticky, so I've unstickied it now, so thanks for that. And, um, I'm not sure I'll be volunteering to run the awards this year, what with the good chance of insanity around New Year, but I'll bear it in mind)

From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)24 Dec 2010 15:47
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 38 of 38

Hahaha I came across this post and couldnt resist replying to it.


Merry Christmas from Fozza of the Dead.