Cracked my ball

Message 2226.702 was deleted
From: milko 2 Jul 2003 00:57
To: Racoon 703 of 2579
In all senses! I was seeing if you were quick though.
Message 2226.704 was deleted
Message 2226.705 was deleted
From: Manthorp 2 Jul 2003 01:00
To: Racoon 706 of 2579
Hip hip hoo-flippin'-ray. Sussin'frussin' cracked my ball.
From: milko 2 Jul 2003 01:01
To: Racoon 707 of 2579
Cause partly replied to the wrong post, partly a beginner at this 'getting arbritrary number of posts' malarkey. Well won, my chum.
Message 2226.708 was deleted
From: Manthorp 2 Jul 2003 01:01
To: Manthorp 709 of 2579
As a general rule, testicularly titled threads seem to be long lived, don't they? Must be the hormones or something.
From: Manthorp 2 Jul 2003 01:02
To: Racoon 710 of 2579
Aye, send me to bed. It's ludicrous being up at this hour at my age.
Message 2226.711 was deleted
From: Manthorp 2 Jul 2003 01:05
To: Racoon 712 of 2579
I think Kara's going to tuck me in...
From: kara 2 Jul 2003 01:06
To: Manthorp 713 of 2579
You englishes have the most amusing euphemisms.
From: Manthorp 2 Jul 2003 01:08
To: kara 714 of 2579
All the better to avoid any direct mention of...well, you know...
From: Manthorp 2 Jul 2003 01:08
To: ALL715 of 2579
G'night all, g'night Granpaw, g'night Johnboy
From: Rich (RICARD00) 2 Jul 2003 01:37
To: Manthorp 716 of 2579
You're talking bollocks.
From: koswix 2 Jul 2003 02:33
To: Manthorp 717 of 2579
From: Manthorp 2 Jul 2003 06:12
To: Rich (RICARD00) 718 of 2579
:-) Dammit. Wrong thread
From: No. 6 (SIMON) 2 Jul 2003 14:59
To: Manthorp 719 of 2579
Yay this thread has finally dies and has no been usurped by me to uses as my Blog. Or has it?
From: Rich 2 Jul 2003 15:26
To: No. 6 (SIMON) 720 of 2579
Once upon time...
From: Linn (INDYLS) 2 Jul 2003 17:54
To: No. 6 (SIMON) 721 of 2579
Could you say that in English please?