Cracked my ball

From: ANT_THOMAS24 Jun 2003 23:11
To: Manthorp 651 of 2579
Do you know where replicas are available? Online store or highstreet?
From: koswix25 Jun 2003 00:19
To: ANT_THOMAS 652 of 2579
Is this not dead yet?
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From: koswix25 Jun 2003 00:26
To: Racoon 654 of 2579
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From: Manthorp25 Jun 2003 09:29
To: Racoon 657 of 2579
Just downloaded what, young Crocket-titfer? DON'T FEED THE TWITCHING CORPSE!
From: Manthorp25 Jun 2003 09:32
To: ANT_THOMAS 658 of 2579
Franklin Mint. Numbered edition of a thousand, the first in a series of my bodily organs reproduced in gold-plated simulated metal. Of course they're leaving the prize item, my liver weighing, in at half my body weight and carved in teak to emulate as closely as possible its true texture, as the last of series.
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From: Manthorp25 Jun 2003 13:05
To: Racoon 660 of 2579
Not Son of Cracked my Ball? Aieeee!
From: Gobfounded (YVE)25 Jun 2003 13:13
To: Manthorp 661 of 2579
I had an unusual addition to my collection of earrings in mind.
From: Manthorp25 Jun 2003 13:17
To: Gobfounded (YVE) 662 of 2579
You'd end up with earlobes like a Kalenjin (sp?).
From: Gobfounded (YVE)25 Jun 2003 14:20
To: Manthorp 663 of 2579
I'll take your word for that.
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From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)25 Jun 2003 17:14
To: Racoon 665 of 2579
For such a young'un, you have, um "mature" musical tastes.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)25 Jun 2003 17:15
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 666 of 2579


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From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)25 Jun 2003 17:23
To: Racoon 669 of 2579
Just wait...

[to be honest, I was just filling space so I could nab the unholy number post]
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