Cracked my ball

From: Kriv16 Jun 2003 12:09
To: Rich 609 of 2579
How many balls is he cracking?
From: Rich16 Jun 2003 12:12
To: Kriv 610 of 2579
Depends on his mood?
From: Manthorp16 Jun 2003 12:59
To: Kriv 611 of 2579
As long as this accursed albatross of a thread remains, it taunts me about that bloody break. When I look at that carving now, all I can see is the crack. For the love of god, let it die.
From: Darren16 Jun 2003 13:01
To: Manthorp 612 of 2579
From: Darren16 Jun 2003 13:01
To: Manthorp 613 of 2579
From: Kriv16 Jun 2003 14:37
To: Manthorp 614 of 2579
From: Ioana (JEN)16 Jun 2003 14:46
To: Manthorp 615 of 2579
I like it.
From: Manthorp16 Jun 2003 14:47
To: Kriv 616 of 2579
Hear that? That's the grinding of my teeth, that is.
From: Kriv16 Jun 2003 15:01
To: Manthorp 617 of 2579
Better than the sound of a ball cracking I suppose.
From: JonCooper16 Jun 2003 15:36
To: Kriv 618 of 2579
From: Kriv16 Jun 2003 15:38
To: JonCooper 619 of 2579
But true.
From: Manthorp16 Jun 2003 17:09
To: Kriv 620 of 2579
Vicious bastard.
From: Kriv16 Jun 2003 17:20
To: Manthorp 621 of 2579
It's a crappy Monday - I'm allowed to be.
Message 2226.622 was deleted
From: Mouse20 Jun 2003 11:03
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 623 of 2579
Oh FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)20 Jun 2003 11:04
To: Mouse 624 of 2579
That's John's entire monthly allowance you've used there in one post.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)20 Jun 2003 11:04
To: Mouse 625 of 2579
cup of tea?
Message 2226.626 was deleted
From: Mouse20 Jun 2003 11:06
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 627 of 2579
I've just made one thank you. A sandwich or some sort or perhaps a pie wouldn't go amiss though.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)20 Jun 2003 11:14
To: Mouse 628 of 2579
I could probably nip out and get you a scotch pie at lunchtime.