Cracked my ball

From: JonCooper 5 Jun 2003 18:57
To: Manthorp 558 of 2579
Sir Laurence de Berkley Compt de Camelford and lord of all he surveys ?

nah, never heard of him ..
From: kara 5 Jun 2003 19:15
To: Linn (INDYLS) 559 of 2579
True. Just I'm bitter to have dragged all the fleece back out. :)
From: kara 5 Jun 2003 19:15
To: JonCooper 560 of 2579
Mmmm....rain smell is even better than cut grass smell.
From: Linn (INDYLS) 5 Jun 2003 20:57
To: JonCooper 561 of 2579
I have it all wrong - I'm tryng to remember the place with thatched roofs, not sod roofs. Do you have thatched roofs in Cornwall?

(If you type roofs three times it starts to sound wrong. Rooves maybe?)
From: dank (XPANDER) 5 Jun 2003 20:58
To: Linn (INDYLS) 562 of 2579
My dad's a thatcher y'know.

And yes, Cornwall has loads of thatched roofs.
From: JonCooper 5 Jun 2003 21:11
To: Linn (INDYLS) 563 of 2579
yes, loads of thatch, most of it protected by law (ie can't replace it with a decent roof)
From: Linn (INDYLS) 5 Jun 2003 22:42
To: JonCooper 564 of 2579
"...can't replace it with a decent roof"

Why do you say that? Why would you not want a thatched roof?
From: JonCooper 5 Jun 2003 23:13
To: Linn (INDYLS) 565 of 2579
I don't like most of the creatures that live in thatched rooves

spiders, bugs, creepy-crawlies, mice, etc

and thacth is /very/ heavy, I would worry about all that weight held mostly by dry cob and gravity
From: koswix 6 Jun 2003 00:58
To: JonCooper 566 of 2579
And the fire risk, and the maintence costs etc etc
From: dyl 6 Jun 2003 01:06
To: JonCooper 567 of 2579
Mice will live in any roof, thatch or no thatch.
From: Mouse 6 Jun 2003 09:10
To: ALL568 of 2579
Tis true :$
From: Rowan 6 Jun 2003 10:41
To: Mouse 569 of 2579
<offers cheese>
From: Mouse 6 Jun 2003 10:51
To: Rowan 570 of 2579
Is it Cheshire? Cos I can't be doing with none of that crumbly shit.
From: Rowan 6 Jun 2003 11:27
To: Mouse 571 of 2579
I have a small board of a variety. Take your pick.
From: Mouse 6 Jun 2003 11:29
To: Rowan 572 of 2579
Mmmmmmmm, Catheeedral cheddaaar :P . . .. .. .
From: Ixion 7 Jun 2003 10:53
To: Manthorp 573 of 2579
Steve, have you got any online pictures of your balls still? One of my mates is into whittling and was interested when I said I knew a man who did ace balls. Also he wanted to know what sort of wood you used and whether you just used knives.
From: steve 7 Jun 2003 10:54
To: Ixion 574 of 2579
He uses weasels with retractable teeth.
From: Menace! (DENNIS) 7 Jun 2003 10:55
To: Ixion 575 of 2579
<Pedant>Knives, dear boy, knives!</pedant>

From: Ixion 7 Jun 2003 11:01
To: Menace! (DENNIS) 576 of 2579
Oooh good point, that's what I get for typing quickly when having only recently woken up. I shall edit it right away.
From: Ixion 7 Jun 2003 11:02
To: steve 577 of 2579
And adjusts the speed by twisting their Scrotums?