Cracked my ball

From: Manthorp 1 Jun 2003 15:32
To: Ioana (JEN) 528 of 2579
'Cos you have deep subconscious urge to fail.
From: Ioana (JEN) 1 Jun 2003 15:37
To: Manthorp 529 of 2579
Umm... no I don't. I hope I don't... I'm just sooo lazy and the stuff I'm supposed to learn is sooo boring... :'( It's much more fun to post here or chat with someone :D
From: Manthorp 1 Jun 2003 15:39
To: Ioana (JEN) 530 of 2579
Now you listen here, young lady. You turn that machine off RIGHT NOW, close the curtains so as not to be distracted by the gorgeous weather and open up your reference books.

You're not too old to be put over my knee, you know.
From: Ioana (JEN) 1 Jun 2003 16:26
To: Manthorp 531 of 2579
The curtains have been closed for a couple of hours, 'cos it's too sunny and I can't see a thing with them opened. I'm not turning my computer off because I need my winamp - if I don't listen to music, I get distracted by my brother/cats fighting outside/birds/car alarms going off/neighbours drilling holes in walls/computer (it sux and it's noisy).

...but i'm gonna go something useful and at least try to study now... and the first step is to close the browser...
(I hate my internet connection, I've been trying too post this for 15 minutes...)
From: Rowan 1 Jun 2003 17:17
To: Manthorp 532 of 2579
Was it you who said you were the older, slightly pervy uncle? And, secondarily, why are you suddenly so eager to post in a thread in which you claim to want dead? Pain-prolonger.
From: 777 (ALMOR) 1 Jun 2003 17:19
To: ALL533 of 2579
From: Manthorp 1 Jun 2003 17:53
To: Rowan 534 of 2579
1 Yes. And proud of it.

2 Pervy as in 'I am wilfully perverse'
From: Manthorp 1 Jun 2003 17:54
To: 777 (ALMOR) 535 of 2579
From: 777 (ALMOR) 4 Jun 2003 14:02
To: Manthorp 536 of 2579
Will this thread ever die?
From: Izziwizzi (JAMES) 4 Jun 2003 14:28
To: 777 (ALMOR) 537 of 2579
Hopefully not
From: af (CAER) 4 Jun 2003 15:23
To: 777 (ALMOR) 538 of 2579
It's immortal.

Or undead, like a zombie.
From: koswix 4 Jun 2003 15:48
To: af (CAER) 539 of 2579
Not to be confused with a gastromancer.
Message 2226.540 was deleted
From: Rowan 5 Jun 2003 12:17
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 541 of 2579
From: Izziwizzi (JAMES) 5 Jun 2003 12:18
To: Rowan 542 of 2579
From: af (CAER) 5 Jun 2003 12:20
To: Izziwizzi (JAMES) 543 of 2579
Certainly is, innit.
Message 2226.544 was deleted
From: kara 5 Jun 2003 15:55
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 545 of 2579
It's snowing. Really. I thought that should go in the most improbable thread we've got.
From: Linn (INDYLS) 5 Jun 2003 16:34
To: kara 546 of 2579
Is it really snowing? Are you having the same awful spring to summer as us. It's hardly stopped raininghere. And its cold.

Every one whining about the hot should come here. Because you lot are used to rain. Haha.
From: kara 5 Jun 2003 16:42
To: Linn (INDYLS) 547 of 2579
I t /is/. Well, just a w wet flakes, but still.

We hardly get rain here. You must be thinking of the englishes. :)