Cracked my ball

From: andy22 Apr 2003 06:42
To: koswix 325 of 2579
From: koswix22 Apr 2003 06:47
To: andy 326 of 2579
THe old ones are the bestest.
From: Mouse22 Apr 2003 07:40
To: Manthorp 327 of 2579
Your balls that started this thread rolling back in February seem to have been cut during the data black out :(
From: Manthorp22 Apr 2003 08:07
To: Mouse 328 of 2579
I'm just about finishing another, which I'll post as soon as I'm done.

Hey Mouse! Gabe & Gill are on their way now!
From: Manthorp24 Apr 2003 12:50
To: ALL329 of 2579
Just finished my fifth ball in record time. It's got two scenes of the German occupation.

The first is taken from a recruiting poster for the Legion of St. George, a legion of British Nazi soldiers recruited from the Channel Islands and from the ranks of prisoners of war. The Jerseyese don't like to admit this part of their history, but I felt the St. George reference made it directly relevant.

The second scene is of the German occupation of Gorey castle (where my balls will be on permanent display). One of the soldiers is chucking out of the window half of a much battered statue of St. Mary, who has already suffered the indignity of being built into a wall during the reformation.

My next might be the dragon one I've been saving up (NOT St. George, actually, but a Marian legend), full of action and gore and coils. Or one about a fraudulent priest. Either wouid be fun.
From: steve24 Apr 2003 12:52
To: Manthorp 330 of 2579
You are the wood-god :D

And eeef for working on them that tiny, with the ammount my hands shake doing stuff like that, I'd need to work on balls with 5m diametre!
From: Manthorp24 Apr 2003 12:54
To: steve 331 of 2579
They would be bloody impressive, mind
From: AND HIS PROPHET IS (MOHAMED42)24 Apr 2003 13:00
To: Manthorp 332 of 2579

How much are you charging them for that kind of work? I wish I had some sort of something I needed done in wood, if I did I'd have you do it.
From: ANT_THOMAS24 Apr 2003 13:06
To: Manthorp 333 of 2579
They are brilliant!!

And the thread is back as well!
From: Manthorp24 Apr 2003 13:07
To: AND HIS PROPHET IS (MOHAMED42) 334 of 2579
Bloody loads. I'm being paid £7,500 for the twelve. Though that's inclusive, so my research trip had to come out of it (about £300), and materials (only about £300, for musical instrument grade boxwood courtesy of Prince Charles - well, Highgrove estate, anyway), and blades (£150 and rising)
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From: Manthorp24 Apr 2003 13:08
To: ANT_THOMAS 337 of 2579
It will not die, as long as I have balls to offer my lovely friends.
From: ANT_THOMAS24 Apr 2003 13:17
To: Manthorp 338 of 2579

What do the balls with the flat carvings look like?

I can't imagine the shape overall.
From: Manthorp24 Apr 2003 13:19
To: ANT_THOMAS 339 of 2579
The middle photo is of the two halves assembled.
From: Ben (BENLUMLEY)24 Apr 2003 13:19
To: ALL340 of 2579
what is with this thread? i remember reading it last term! it has survived all of my easter holiday, and still appears to be going strong!!!!
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From: Ben (BENLUMLEY)24 Apr 2003 13:27
To: Racoon 342 of 2579
From: JonCooper24 Apr 2003 13:29
To: Manthorp 343 of 2579

'bloody loads' bollocks - who else they gonna get to do it ?


the best costs, fact (tm greg)


how much does that work out per hour ? - not what you're worth I'll bet.


(I know you do it cos you love it, the money is just a nice bonus ;)

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