Cracked my ball

From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)13 Nov 2009 20:23
To: Manthorp 2427 of 2579
You have so fucking owned the CC, they just gotta capitulate. Those fucking basket weavers and lino cutters won't know what hit 'em when you get the guns of the Battleship Potterykiln trained on their arses.
From: Gobfounded (YVE)14 Nov 2009 00:30
To: Manthorp 2428 of 2579

I suspect there's an awful lot of traditionalists out there and all the imagery on their site doesn't seem to fit that mould very well. I'm probably more typical of the average crafty type they'd encounter if they managed to get comments from a good cross section of the population. In my case, I love making things with pointy sticks and stringy stuff and those things tend to be useful and even attractive. I'm happy to be crusty. Representative responses would even include people who *ahem* scrapbook but I wonder how sniffy they'd be about it if they had a flood of responses form people fond of paper and glue.


However many responses they do get, I know there's a small but significant flood from other knitters at Ravelry, some of them who do it or something related (spinning, dying, etc) for a living. Hopefully, they'll take on board that they really can't ignore all the people who aren't simply producing strange metal blobs or vases with beaks in the name of innovation, but who are simply plodding away at something they love and find fulfilling.

From: Manthorp14 Nov 2009 01:09
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 2429 of 2579

>>> Mr B - I was well fresh when I wrote that; so much so that I'd actually forgotten about it completely. I don't disagree with my sentiments though. And I did like Battleship Potterykiln.


>>> Ms Yve, It's long irked me that the CC adopted the Arts Council model of focusing on the avant garde (from which I personally benefited, I have to declare). They did an effective job of raising the status and the incomes of a minority of makers, but pretty much sat by while a number of British craft traditions died of neglect. Like I said in my drunken post, the Japanese have proven that you can support both the avant garde and excellence in the traditional.


<edit> PS, Things made with pointy sticks and stringy stuff are generally known as 'bows and arrows'. </edit>

EDITED: 14 Nov 2009 01:11 by MANTHORP
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)14 Nov 2009 08:44
To: Gobfounded (YVE) 2430 of 2579
You know, in the current national situation, with national debt spiralling out of control and troops fighting an unwinnable war with unsatisfactory equipment, I can't think of a better thing for the government to spend money on than a quango to regulate wicker.
From: Gobfounded (YVE)14 Nov 2009 14:16
To: Manthorp 2431 of 2579
Things made with pointy sticks and stringy stuff are generally known as 'bows and arrows'.

You're onto me. How else do you think I rule over all the testosterone in this house?
From: Gobfounded (YVE)14 Nov 2009 14:17
To: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE) 2432 of 2579
Maybe they're wanting to create a national handbasket to go to hell in.
From: koswix 8 Jun 2010 14:11
To: ALL2433 of 2579
Population of the EU is about 500 mil so we can still win in a fistfight when it comes down to it.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 8 Jun 2010 14:31
To: koswix 2434 of 2579
And if we duplicate all of our posts we'll look even bigger.
From: Dazz17 Jun 2010 23:26
To: ALL2435 of 2579

Oh, FFS - let it die!!!


(no, don't)

From: ANT_THOMAS25 Nov 2010 13:16
To: Manthorp 2436 of 2579
Graphitone thinks there might be a contender to the Cracked my ball throne. Tell him otherwise.
From: graphitone25 Nov 2010 13:29
To: ANT_THOMAS 2437 of 2579

Stop it - you're only adding to the problem... any new post is going to make it even harder to beat the 'ball.


You've even got me replying and adding to th... :|



From: Manthorp25 Nov 2010 14:44
To: graphitone 2438 of 2579
Don't add to it, Graphitone; I never do.
From: graphitone25 Nov 2010 15:16
To: Manthorp 2439 of 2579



Stop appealing to my OCD nature, making me reply to people who've sent me a message. We'll get into a vicious circle of messages/replies with no end in sight, all of it adding to your magnum opus of a thread.



From: koswix25 Nov 2010 15:37
To: Manthorp 2440 of 2579
From: af (CAER)25 Nov 2010 17:38
To: graphitone 2441 of 2579
But then you could take that vicious circle and twist it just so and end up with a vicious ball, which may then crack, bringing us full circle.
From: johngti_mk-ii25 Nov 2010 18:03
To: af (CAER) 2442 of 2579
You can't transform a circle into a sphere because of the hole.
From: graphitone25 Nov 2010 20:44
To: af (CAER) 2443 of 2579
Genius, that man.
From: Manthorp25 Nov 2010 21:18
To: koswix 2444 of 2579
That is one cracked ball. But not mine.
From: Manthorp25 Nov 2010 21:20
To: graphitone 2445 of 2579
Break the vicious circle, Graphitone; the 2d equivalent, as Care suggests (& John refutes, TBH) of cracking a ball. Do it.
From: johngti_mk-ii25 Nov 2010 21:47
To: Manthorp 2446 of 2579
Not John refuting. The magic of topology refutes. If only I could take the credit for the refutage!