Cracked my ball

From: william24 Mar 2009 23:45
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 2382 of 2579
They're still with Delphi.

The split never really got going - there's a rather sad Beehive forum somewhere (apart from this one) with six months between visits.

Clive's still going strong.

I wondered what happened to Hawk ( do you remember him?). He was one of the earliest non-UK-magazine-buyers to join the forum. He was in his late 60s and lived alone somewhere in a desert in Texas. Had trouble getting his "meds."

If you're keen they're mainly here
From: william24 Mar 2009 23:47
To: william 2383 of 2579
Yve still goes there. She knows the history a lot better than me.
From: koswix25 Mar 2009 12:28
To: ALL2384 of 2579
When did Teh first launch? Is the database here complete (i.e. message 1.1 the first ever message on Teh Forum), or did we lose/move at some point?
From: ANT_THOMAS25 Mar 2009 12:50
To: koswix 2385 of 2579
pretty sure we've had a database loss at some point.
From: Manthorp25 Mar 2009 14:52
To: koswix 2386 of 2579
i.e. message 1.1 the first ever message on Teh Forum

What's the betting it'll have been that bloody Matt? You'd have thought he made the place, the way he yacks on.
From: Matt25 Mar 2009 16:36
To: koswix 2387 of 2579
We've lost the database once, maybe twice.

It's twice if we went from Izzy to LP's mate Nick to Dan Mohammed to EuroVPS, but I can't remember if it was that or Izzy > Dan Mohammed > LP's mate > EuroVPS or even if there was another host between LP's mate and EuroVPS, which I think there was but I can't remember who.

Anyway, the one time I remember us loosing the database was after Izzy changed his job and his previous employer decided they didn't want us free-loading of their hosting any more, but due to having no contact with them we weren't able to get a copy of it and were forced to start afresh.

And Teh has been around since Beehive 0.1 pretty much, although ran in parallel to the old NPCFF. Before it was, it was if I remember correctly.

Someone should have written all this down :(
From: koswix25 Mar 2009 17:41
To: Matt 2388 of 2579
Looks like May/June 2002, judging by the posts on NPCFF. Can't find the 'launch' thread, though.

That's amazing. 7 years in the wild and still going strong. Bet Mikee feels stupid now :D
From: Mouse25 Mar 2009 17:57
To: koswix 2389 of 2579

Reckon this was the start?


I vaguely vaguely remember bigbeigebox.

From: koswix25 Mar 2009 18:04
To: Mouse 2390 of 2579

That looks like it!


How did you get back to that thread? I couldn't work out how to get older threads to display :$


Anyway, looks like Teh's 10th Birthday is 1st of June 2012. Meat?

From: Mouse25 Mar 2009 18:05
To: koswix 2391 of 2579

Dunno, just kept muttering and clicking randomly.


I also discovered it's still possible to order Xen's Pockets merchandise.



From: JonCooper25 Mar 2009 19:38
To: ALL2392 of 2579
heh heh - I found a thread where milko says no-one can ever be trusted to be a moderator
From: Mouse25 Mar 2009 20:27
To: JonCooper 2393 of 2579
Awww, look at everyone desperately wanting to be a mod.
From: milko25 Mar 2009 20:44
To: JonCooper 2394 of 2579
haha, check me out being a naysayer throughout the thread. DOOOM I tell you! Mind you it was a much harder job back in those days, so many more people coming through and so many more looking for trouble.
From: Matt25 Mar 2009 22:26
To: Mouse 2395 of 2579
Wow, I can't believe Delphi still doesn't sync the thread list to the message pane when you have enter the forum with a msg id in the URL :D
From: Mouse25 Mar 2009 22:30
To: Matt 2396 of 2579
It's gash. I'm glad we've got Beehive.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)26 Mar 2009 00:30
To: Mouse 2397 of 2579
Sadly, I couldn't remember who the OP was until I read my reply #14. I thought it might be Simon. (fail)
From: Gobfounded (YVE)26 Mar 2009 17:22
To: william 2398 of 2579
I only pop in to check the mod queue once in a while. Apart from the political pissing contests, it's a bit quiet there, these days.
From: Gobfounded (YVE)26 Mar 2009 17:24
To: Linn (INDYLS) 2399 of 2579
This place has been around longer than that. 6 years ago I was pregnant with Owen after a certain London meat.
From: Gobfounded (YVE)26 Mar 2009 17:25
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 2400 of 2579
From: Gobfounded (YVE)26 Mar 2009 17:26
To: william 2401 of 2579
Hawk hasn't been seen for a long time. Nor has Grandpa Dragon. Neither were in good health :/