I do worry that, at my advanced, almost Manthorpian age, I miss things such as changes of name.
Thank you for your kind words. It tasted very good - that fish pie. It also looked better than the photo suggested, even if I say so myself. The problem was that everybody was invited for 2:00 but arrived at 11:00 and seemed intent on staging a grand reunion in the kitchen, with the result that I rushed the egg wash.
Pah! Just excuses really.
Blimey, weren't the old style Cylons in Razor a blast? "By your command"
But purrlease let the crackedness of my ball be a unique event... Two would be difficult.
Ahh, now, changes of name ... that's another matter.
I like fish more than anything else edible (i.e. not more than sex)
You mean to say you were unaware up to this point that sex is edible?
Indeed it is, but not in an inviting-the-parents-around-for-dinner way.
Aye, more of a romantic meal for two.
Or three if you're lucky.
I find it enough of a challenge just cooking for two...
2344: Ricard00 sires his 13,552nd baby. Weighing in at just under 20stone, Bartlemas Flump is a comparative tiddler by 23rd century Giles standards. Massive depopulation consequent upon the 2218 Cockdropoff plague means that with this child, Ricard00 is now immediately responsible for 1/10 of the world's population.
Sadly, many share his facial features.
2355: Kos finally gets round to upgrading his PC again.
2346: Kos invents the time machine and travels nine years into the future to upgrade his PC with components that haven't been invented yet.
2347: Somehow, Kos's computer is still obsolete one year later.
2348: Kos gives up on trying to have a decent PC and goes back to buying Wee Dave's hand-me-downs.
How's the old wounded paw these days?
Up to tinkering with any more balls?
It's still not right, but improving slowly.
I started whittling again before Christmas - I decided that a year's break was plenty. As it turned out, it was good physio and I have for the first time regained some feeling in the two fingers in question.
The other curious aspect of their recovery is that the scar tissue is working its way up to and out of the skin. Not in great gruesome lumps or anything, but just in little callouses. Very odd.
I made GreyHair a business card case for her birthday and I'm on with another piece at the moment - a snail, which I have carved several times in my whittling career as a sort of test piece. I'll post pix when it's done.
Be careful with its shell.
Shell done. I'm girding my loins for the wibbly body, in translucent buffalo horn.
You mean that buffaloes have died for your whittling pleasure? YOU CALLOUS BASTARD! :@
WE ATE IT ALL, even the bobbly bits.