Pfft. Noob.
Actually, it's a proven scientific fact that the blacks love tories. We have earnt the respect of all the major tribes of the Empire, so shut your shizzle, or we'll set twelve year old darkies with knives and guns on you. Fact.
....and I said "another donkey? I barely even used the last one!"
Will do later on today.
Ant: Harsh.
I've just checked the link and it's Dazza's old gallery site, deconstructed some time ago, so you ought to Badger the Dark one.
There are one or two of my whittlings at and I attach a piccie of the Original Cracked Ball for you to wince at, plus a *bonus* picture of a snow leopard carved in holly with inlaid amber and jet eyes on a Tagua Nut snowdrift.