poat what you like, everyone else does.
good job you're ok, sounds well scary.
Ask Dyl about my driving skills on the way back from Durham :$ (fail)
I don't think I'll try that series of events again.
Oh :$
With the bloggish nature of Teh these days (and forever before come to think of it), that would have warranted a whole new thread.
I suspect you'll be dreaming about that incident for months to come. Well done for not being dead or mangled.
However, you've inspired me to start a whole new thread now.
I don't remember any particular incidents on the way back from Durham. Well, there was that one roundabout where the exit turned out to be just a little narrower than you had taken into account, but you compensated & recovered elegantly. Even if I did express a certain amount of terror at the time.
Your sitting-in-2-hour-traffic-queue skills were equally commendable.
It wasn't so much thinner as I expected as "Oh wait, that bit of gutter is on the RIGHT hand side meaning the road is over /there/."
Mind you, it's something I'll probably never forget, which is good. It's nice learning things the hard way but without resulting in major issues.
Remind me to never buy a small car like that, though :&
I understand that small, light cars take some getting used to when you're more accustomed to big heavy cars that tend to stick to the road, a quality that fiestas are not well know for.
It was an evil roundabout exit anyway, not best designed to give one any idea where the fuck one is going.
Anyway: In the year 2096, a secret cult that has been attempting to clone Adolf Hitler from his discarded "other" testicle finally acheives its aim, and unleashes an army of tiny moustached goose stepping dictators on what remains of the world. Fortunately, these tiny Fuhrers are only 2 feet tall, meaning that only Jewish Yorkshire terriers have anything to fear.
EDit: Damn, wrong year.
The Duke Nukem Forever beta appears. After a week, the development team announce that they're changing to a different physics engine.
The new physics engine is called 4NDY BLK. No one knows why.