Cracked my ball

From: SMD20 Jan 2005 15:46
To: ALL2056 of 2579

Andy Black is assassinated and all traces of him from history are removed.


The parakeets are suspiciously quiet.


(someone should make this into a storee type thing)

From: andy20 Jan 2005 15:51
To: SMD 2057 of 2579
I was assassinated almost 50 years ago. People like you are why they introduced the "doesn't pay attention" tax in 2057.

.. which nobody notices.
From: SMD20 Jan 2005 17:14
To: andy 2058 of 2579
The Illumanti cloned you and gave you superhuman clothes hanging powers.
From: Sulkpot21 Jan 2005 10:48
To: SMD 2059 of 2579

The illuminati descend momentarily from their Ivory tower and quietly arrange for the 'illumanti' to disappear.


The parakeets notice, but are unable to claim a rebate on the attention tax, because they can't fill in the requisite ninety-page Inland Revenue form.

From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)21 Jan 2005 10:51
To: Sulkpot 2060 of 2579
Racoon is born.
From: Sulkpot21 Jan 2005 10:57
To: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE) 2061 of 2579
Racoon is christened 'Andy Black 6' in memoriam of Andy's second assassination by unobservant illumanti.
From: ANT_THOMAS21 Jan 2005 15:20
To: ALL2062 of 2579
An invisible star is seen.
Message 2226.2063 was deleted
From: Sulkpot22 Jan 2005 14:07
To: Racoon 2064 of 2579

Humfrey thrown into Debtor's Gaol in lieu of unobservance-tax arrears centring around the Rendle-died-twenty-posts-ago-gate Scandal.


Andy Black renamed 'Mark Rendle' in memoriam.

From: koswix24 Jan 2005 00:19
To: ALL2065 of 2579
Unilever finaly work out how to make Pot Noodle taste nice.
From: Joe (ADAMSMITH)24 Jan 2005 05:50
To: ALL2066 of 2579

I cracked my car up tonight. Lesson OTD: After a blizzard dumps 2 feet in your area, drive in the middle lane of a three lane highway even if the highway is nice and clear. You may be tempted to drive in the fast (3rd land) to pass a tractor trailor but don't because you could end up like me: Very, very lucky but with one smashed up car. I was in the 3rd lane -- knowing that the lane was smaller due to snow on the side I was looking to move to the middle lane -- hit a huge block of fallen snow lost control of the car, veered from the 3rd to the 1st lane, hit the underbelly of a trailor part of a tractor-trailor at 50 MPH, then start spinning uncontrolablely and have no f*cking clue where you are going, go into the middle dip between the East and West bound lanes and smash into a tree. As I lost control and saw I was going to hit the underbelly of the trailor I thought, "This is it. Oh my God, I am going to die." However, the only harm I sustained was a slight bump on the head when the car it the tree but the 2 feet of snow in the median was already slowing it down, so essentially I suffered no harm. My glasses came flying off and I lost the eye pads but they can be replaced. The nice, newish (to me) car suffered great damage and my insurance will raise but that is life (which I am glad I still have).


Not checked for spelling or grammar but I am going to bed to rest, so Oh well!

From: SMD24 Jan 2005 07:16
To: Joe (ADAMSMITH) 2067 of 2579

You ruined the thread with that shit story.


(Hope you're okay mate)

From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)24 Jan 2005 08:58
To: Joe (ADAMSMITH) 2068 of 2579
Proof that Americans can't drive or post on-topic.
From: Manthorp24 Jan 2005 09:28
To: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE) 2069 of 2579
Are you /seriously/ suggesting that extrapolation of the lives of Teh possie into putative futures was on topic? Come to think of it, what was this thread about?
From: Sulkpot24 Jan 2005 09:31
To: Manthorp 2070 of 2579

Why, Steve, I do believe it was about an embarrassing failure of yours.



From: Manthorp24 Jan 2005 09:54
To: Sulkpot 2071 of 2579
:{)  :-(( Perhaps you should create a cracked ball emote for use in denoting an extreme fuckup.
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)24 Jan 2005 10:22
To: Manthorp 2072 of 2579
It was more on-topic than Captain Snowcrash.
From: Rowan24 Jan 2005 10:30
To: Manthorp 2073 of 2579
My maths supervisor gives out gold stars in such situations. Last night he told me "Well done on the test." Coming from Bob Dillon [yes], this Does Not Bode Well.
From: SMD24 Jan 2005 11:11
To: Manthorp 2074 of 2579
You know when you're old when you make senility jokes just too easy to make.
From: Joe (ADAMSMITH)24 Jan 2005 13:16
To: SMD 2075 of 2579
Sorry, no more thread ruining for me.