Cracked my ball

From: andy18 Jan 2005 17:03
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 1994 of 2579
that was my. joke. I have another reply window open that was waiting for the 1990 mark.

I hope you fall over.
From: andy18 Jan 2005 17:10
To: ALL1995 of 2579
Stephen Suttie becomes the first animate object to actually fail an IQ test.
From: Darren18 Jan 2005 17:13
To: andy 1996 of 2579

Sorry, what did you say happened in 1994?


Was it as interesting as the prosecution delivering its opening statement in the O. J. Simpson murder trial in 1995?

From: SMD18 Jan 2005 17:13
To: ALL1997 of 2579



Oh well, Tony Blair was elected and Sulkpot's only just stopped crying.

EDITED: 18 Jan 2005 18:15 by SMD
From: Sulkpot18 Jan 2005 22:44
To: SMD 1998 of 2579
You've only gone and opened the wound again :-(( 
From: Manthorp18 Jan 2005 22:45
To: SMD 1999 of 2579
But fuck me, 1998 brings us the brightest known object in the universe, known to its admirers as APM 08279+5255. Here it is:

Doesn't look so bright to me, but what do I know?

White House feline intern Socks is perturbed to meet Arkansas canine interloper Buddy. They will get closer over the coming years, but no cigar...

(edit: Shocking abuse of power this, but this is also the year that Rod Hull died, and I feel it's worth noting.)
EDITED: 18 Jan 2005 23:53 by WINGNUTKJ
From: ANT_THOMAS18 Jan 2005 23:12
To: Manthorp 2000 of 2579
From: Sulkpot18 Jan 2005 23:23
To: ANT_THOMAS 2001 of 2579
Message 2226.2002 was deleted
From: ANT_THOMAS18 Jan 2005 23:43
To: Racoon 2003 of 2579
b) You're wrong, plenty of people posted on the 8th.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)18 Jan 2005 23:45
To: ALL2004 of 2579
2004 - Racoon was born.
From: Sulkpot18 Jan 2005 23:47
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 2005 of 2579

2005 - world ends on 20th January.



From: Manthorp18 Jan 2005 23:51
To: Sulkpot 2006 of 2579
I'll bet you a bottle of good vodka you're wrong, Sulkpot...
From: milko18 Jan 2005 23:54
To: ALL2007 of 2579
Now you have to make predictions! Like what mr Sulkpot did there, although they needn't all be of doom. Or at least describe the doom from now on.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)18 Jan 2005 23:59
To: milko 2008 of 2579
2008 - Paraguay goes missing, which causes consternation for those who believed that landlocked countries couldn't get up to much. It is spotted on CCTV leaving a Yates's Wine Lodge in Dunstaple in the early hours of a November Sunday morning with an unidentified blonde girl, and safely returned to its original location after a short period of rehabilitation.
From: Manthorp19 Jan 2005 00:16
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 2009 of 2579
The bottle of vodka bet stands. However, I'll give you double or quits that in 2009, money is globally discredited as a form of exchange and a running double that Gary Glitter is elected to the Presidency of Thailand.
From: dyl19 Jan 2005 03:09
To: Manthorp 2010 of 2579
Credit discredited. I like that.

By 2010, 3/4 of the population will be ravaged by incurable disease and will die...

Someone on the internet says it so it must be true.
From: JonCooper19 Jan 2005 08:06
To: ALL2011 of 2579
2011 sees us visited by either a huge comet or a great earthquake (or both)
From: JonCooper19 Jan 2005 08:09
To: ALL2012 of 2579
and, of course, 2012 is the year the poles will switch and everything will grind to a halt (or not)
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)19 Jan 2005 08:16
To: JonCooper 2013 of 2579
In 2013, I will buy myself an Aston Martin. Possibly.