And not so long ago in 1979, soviet forces invade Afghanistan, Mrs Thatcher becomes Great Britain's first female Prime Minister, an American Airlines DC10 crashes in Chichago shortly after takeoff, China invades Vietnam, and Skylab dies the same death as Mir did really.
And, MOST IMPORTANTLY, Nazi-modding begins and so do various stories of arms with the birth of Milko.
First you missed Star Wars. Then you miss my birth!
Fuck, he's made it worse and done 1979 too.
Alright then:
Darrell Porter had an RBI of 51 for the Kansas City Royals.
1982 sees the tragic Falkland war start, and the first heart transplant - saving those broken hearts LOL~!!@1
Also, lots of Space Shuttle missions happen this year.
BITCH. :-((
1988 saw the Seoul Olympics, which I think were the first in Asia?
Sorry, what did you say happened in 1994?
Was it as interesting as the prosecution delivering its opening statement in the O. J. Simpson murder trial in 1995?