And, as Darren should well know, in 1922 the Irish Free State was founded. And look how well that went!
It was also the year that the first US aircraft carrier was launched, namely the USS Langley. And that did a lot of good too :/
...and then Il Duce continues his fun and games by telling everyone that they're Fascist, and he's their dictator. And they all go, "Mwuh? Uh. Okay." Oh, and the KKK has a bit of a resurgence in Washington.
Still, on the upside, 1925 also saw the signing of the Locarno Pact, /and/ the introduction of London's first double decker busses!
Meanwhile, the Americans were executing their own particular brand of crazy, and handing death sentances out to any immigrants who're accused of a crime, a la Sacco and Vanzetti.
And 1600 stupid people get hospitalised on December 12, after slipping on Britain's icy streets.
January 30th, 1933, and President Hindenburg has a chat with leading politician/businessman Von Papen, and decides Hitler's probably 'not that bad', and gives him the Chancellorship. Less than a month later, and the Reichstag's on fire. Coo. A fitted-up Socialist is found nearby, and the Enabling Act is passed as the result. Hindenburg wonders if, perhaps, he might have been mistaken.
On the other side of the Atlantic, though, FDR's being all warm and fuzzy, and broadcasts his first Fireside Chat, shortly before doing his whole New Deal thing. (hug)
The international media's attention is directed to Scotland, however, where the first modern sighting of the Loch Ness Monster has just occured.
A little more subtly, however, our world changes for the better, as the revered Ruth Wakefield invents the chocolate chip cookie.
1939, and the Spanish Civil War is drawing to an end, with the Falange (founded by Primo de Rivera's son) as a dominant force within the nationalists. Spain then leaves the League of Nations. Again.
Elsewhere, in Tales-Of-Right-Wing-Nutcases, Hitler helps himself to a bit of Poland, and is upset to find the Western allies slightly peeved. The USSR is kicked out of the League of Nations for helping itself to the rest of Poland. The League of Nations is rapidly becoming the League of Nation.
Over the pond, Canada joins in and declares war on Germany, but the US says it's not touching /that/ mess with a barge pole, and busies itself making nuclear bombs.
Apparently, though, nothing nice happens, at all. Well, Mussolini's Italy invades Albania, forcing a King called Zog into exile. Not that nice in itself, but Zog is a pretty funny name. Also, Batman was created. Oh, and there was another Pius pope. But then, they all were, weren't they?
1940 starts with a bang when transposons, or 'jumping genes', are found in the DNA of /maize/, of all things.
On a roll, 1940 carries on it's big plans by opening the first McDonalds and putting the first nylon stockings up for sale on the very same day.
Furthermore, some French kids stumble across Lascaux caves. Whilst Britain was blowing up the French fleet and breaking diplomatic relations with Vichy France, though, so I guess 1940 wasn't all fun and games.
A few other war-type things, like the Battle of Britain happened, but Leon Trotsky was assasinated in Mexico City on Stalin's orders, which is a shame, because he had a cool name. Mussolini gets told off by Hitler (who Mussolini expected to be revered by as the father of Fascism) for fucking up the invasion of Greece (in that he ended up going backwards).
There's a bit of a high at the end of the year, though, when the Tacoma Narrows Bridge does that hilarious bendy thing and falls apart when the wind blows. Engineers are quoted as saying they "didn't think of that."
Maize makes another effort in 1941, when General Mills introduce CheeriOats (now Cheerios), which quite possibly contain maize. I dunno. Do I look like some kind of cereal expert?
Citizen Kane premiers, the House of Commons is damaged, and Rudolf Hess makes a prat of himself and becomes the last prisoner to be detained in the Tower of London. That whole Hood/Bismark/Ark Royal thing happens, which just pisses off both sides. A chap called Takeo Yoshikawa turns up in Hawaii, and starts asking pertinent questions about Pearl Harbour. The US finally joins in just at the end of the year.
As a little portent of things to come, the Vietminh has now formed, whilst nobody was looking. Oh, and the first quiz show is aired on TV. And TV ads are legalised. Best of all, though, some nutcases claim that bits of Oregan and California are now the State of Jefferson, and hand out leaflets to that effect, saying they are in "patriotic rebellion against the States of California and Oregon" and would continue to "secede every Thursday until further notice." :'D