Is that your own? 'S'nice. Very Malevich.
The Nazis weren't averse to incorporating Eagles in their iconography.
They often stayed in hotels as well, though admittedly, probably not in California.
They did gas a lot of Jews, though. But not in hotels.
Aye. For some reason, at whatever time that was this morning, I got an urge to make Malevich's squares dance.
And whatever criticisms you may make of The Eagles, they've never been accused of genocide. Or not so the accusation stuck.
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Message 2226.188 was deleted
That is a nice thing. What's it for? It summed up mine and Kenny's weekend quite well though.
I just kinda made it then. S'only a couple of squares and 3 lines of code.
I do kinda like it though :D
Heee. Would've also made nice visual background for a few of the acts, especially if it was done in time to the noises. Rar!
Yes, but they're clearly a gateway drug.
It's true. I hear that Saddam Hussein and President Mugabe have extensive Eagles collections, and swap bootlegs and rarities.
And George Bush has attended actual /concerts/.
Perhaps The Eagles is/are The Great Beast of Revelations.
Well, it's all right there:
"...And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like Don Henley, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle."
I didn't get where I am today by letting old threads die.