Cracked my ball

From: bohman7524 Aug 2004 18:31
To: Darren 1638 of 2579
Nice wood.
From: Mouse24 Aug 2004 20:40
To: Manthorp 1639 of 2579
Ooooo! Are them spots on the snow leopord painted?
From: SMD24 Aug 2004 20:46
To: Mouse 1640 of 2579

I tried to read all of that.


I got to post 300 and gave up because it's just like the Neverending Story.



From: Linn (INDYLS)24 Aug 2004 20:55
To: Darren 1641 of 2579
Wow. Very very nice!
From: Manthorp24 Aug 2004 20:56
To: Mouse 1642 of 2579
They're indented with a rounded tool (fnurrrr!) and filled with dark wax.
From: Mouse24 Aug 2004 21:08
To: Manthorp 1643 of 2579
Arrr.. very clever.
From: Darren25 Aug 2004 00:53
To: ALL1644 of 2579

Much as I hate to drag this monumental thread back on topic, for those who don't know, the talented creator of this artistry is our very own Steve Manthorp, bummer of innocents, creator of wood (same thing). I'm just hosting those photos.


Oh, and Steve - I meant to say before, but surely getting the cracked ball back to a state where it is admired as a finished product is no different from creating the thing from scratch.


It's wood -> process -> art.


When you submit a piece that has gone smoothly, does anyone stop to ask if it has been an easy or tough process? No. they don't.


There's no need to feel uneasy that you have passed on a ball that was once cracked. You got the raw wood to the comissioned result.


If anything, the recipient should be thrilled that this particular "Manthorp" has had it's own unique history (including this thread).

From: kara25 Aug 2004 01:08
To: Manthorp 1645 of 2579

How does one go about buying one of those, Mr. Manthorp?


Or your carvings, as those are also very nice.

From: Sulkpot25 Aug 2004 02:25
To: kara 1646 of 2579
Believe me, lady, the price is too high :-(( 
From: kara25 Aug 2004 03:03
To: Sulkpot 1647 of 2579

While thinking of a fitting reply, I was trapped by your dastardly signature. Again.



From: SMD25 Aug 2004 07:50
To: kara 1648 of 2579

Surely that's a euphemism.



From: Manthorp25 Aug 2004 12:29
To: Darren 1649 of 2579

Thanks for the kind comments, Dazza. Yes, I've come to terms with submitting TCB to the Jersey Heritage Trust as it is (indeed, I have now done so). But it still grates with me.


It's a phenomenon which I'm sure most of the posters on Teh will recognise. Whatever your sphere of creative endeavour, be it whittling, or interweb-knitting, or guitar thrashing, you can never look at your own creations without seeing its imperfections and mistakes. It gets better over time: on occasion I've caught up with one of my carvings years after I completed it, and I can actually derive some pleasure from looking at it; but when I look at a new piece, all I can see is a bunch of mistakes held together with wood.

From: Darren25 Aug 2004 12:39
To: Manthorp 1650 of 2579
Is it like when you spunk all over her face and you look on the splash-damage with pride, but then the feeling starts to sneak in that you could have jizzed a bit more up the left nostril or maybe squeezed out a few more ml? 'Cause I get that all the time. Don't tell me I don't know the pain of the self-critical artist!
From: bohman7525 Aug 2004 13:10
To: Darren 1651 of 2579

Oh, but who hasn't been...


I think all this talk about wood and balls is affecting you.

EDITED: 25 Aug 2004 14:10 by BOHMAN75
From: DSLPete (THE_TGG)27 Aug 2004 12:09
To: milko 1652 of 2579

If we still had shillings and pence, then people would be better adders. And dividers. And multipliers. And taker awayers.


Everything divides by 10 these days, it doesn't make for an active mathematical mind. IMO.

From: milko27 Aug 2004 12:20
To: DSLPete (THE_TGG) 1653 of 2579
Ah well. Luckily we can make robotic adding-machines to do it for us now.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)27 Aug 2004 12:26
To: DSLPete (THE_TGG) 1654 of 2579
Everything except time, computers, angles, and paper. :/ 
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)27 Aug 2004 13:52
To: Manthorp 1655 of 2579
quote: Teh Mantrohb
Whatever your sphere of creative endeavour

I see what you did there...

(and yes, I know what you mean)
From: dyl27 Aug 2004 19:46
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 1656 of 2579
I prefer BST really, as I never get up before 10am and end up cycling to work in the dark every night at ruch hour in the winter. It must be soon now, is it? Isn't it?
From: dyl27 Aug 2004 19:55
To: Manthorp 1657 of 2579
You really must start putting a coin or summat to give an idea of scale in all your photographed whittlings.