excellent work (again)
probally stupid question, but are knots like that one one the bell/stairs a real pain?
The discolourations don't bother me too much - except when they cut across an important line. There's no predicting them, they're like a mild practical joke played by wood.
Proper knots and shakes are a different matter and an irritation. But like hurricanes and diarrhoea, they're a natural and largely unpredictable force of nature, and there's not much to be gained from fretting over them. Hard beeswax can work wonders.
haha, my thoughts.
But then I realised I fucked my own GCSEs so decided I have nothing useful to add other than "Revision probably does help :$"
You're natural intelligence will get you through GCSEs with ease.
I got
A*, 5 A's, 3 B's without revising.
Perhaps coursework would have been useful.
I found a major piece of my English coursework the other day - I realised why I did shit in that :D
good c/w and module scores is handy too. certainly helped me get through with no revision.
On the other hand my girlfriend worked solidly for 3 months prior, revised her ass off and got 7 A*'s and the best results in the school (shit school) - but I'm not sure it was worth the effort personally.
Well I got dropped down to foundation paper with English cos of my CW meaning I could only get a C :(
RE: I should've actually done something in class, I dont think I ever opened the bastard book. The test could've been written in French for all I knew.
Science: Chemistry let me down but I got a B
Maths: I dunno actually, I was just shit generally I think! Got a C
French: Haha, C/W worth 70% and I never did it. Speaking worth 10% and I didnt' turn up. So I got an F!
Music: Dossed about too much and my project was rushed and unfinished. Was generally crap on exam: D
DT: Actually, one of the few where I blame my teacher - cos he fucked me about all year. Cunt. I got a D.
ICT: Courswork again, didn't hand in a 1/3 of it - the other 2 were done in 3 hours, despite having 2 years of lesson time! Got a C.
And I dont recall what others I did :(
Yup - but I hated the lesson with a passion.
I know I could've done it but I dont care, to be honest.
English and English Lit were my favourite lessons next to Graphics :(
*got all A's and B's on courseworks*
*is terrible in exams*
*fucked up on the exams*
*ended up with a C in both english and literature* :((