Cracked my ball

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)28 Mar 2004 19:51
To: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 1426 of 2579



I haven't got any music playing at the moment.
*goes to fix that problem*

From: Sulkpot 9 Apr 2004 09:11
To: ALL1427 of 2579

So: cats, eh? Does this one look photoshopped to anyone else?

From: Rowan 9 Apr 2004 12:55
To: Sulkpot 1428 of 2579

I read that as 'Goshbutisntitantiquated'. I mean, I know Steve's old, but that's a bit harsh.


And yes, evidently someone else thinks that it's photoshopped - my sister's husband just walked past and said, "That's rubbish - is that supposed to be some kind of mutated animal?"

From: Manthorp 9 Apr 2004 17:02
To: Rowan 1429 of 2579
I am /fucking/ O.L.D. today, as I have a sore throat which gave me a bad night, and I feel like a crumpled colostomy bag.
From: truffy 9 Apr 2004 20:16
To: Manthorp 1430 of 2579
But how are your balls? Not cracked, I hope. :o
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From: Manthorp12 Apr 2004 23:17
To: Racoon 1432 of 2579
U R Racoon Cogburn.
From: Matty (EVSTAR)12 Apr 2004 23:22
To: Racoon 1433 of 2579
I have shot a blackbird with a shotgun that was fun :D
From: Sulkpot12 Apr 2004 23:47
To: Matty (EVSTAR) 1434 of 2579
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From: Matty (EVSTAR)12 Apr 2004 23:52
To: Racoon 1436 of 2579
I dont know it didnt look to tasty after i shot it.
From: koswix13 Apr 2004 19:09
To: Manthorp 1437 of 2579


What is it about people carving balls?

From: 777 (ALMOR)14 Apr 2004 02:06
To: Matty (EVSTAR) 1438 of 2579
I once messed up a shot at a rook and took its beak off, poor bastard flapped like buggery till i reloaded.
From: Rich (RICARD00)22 Apr 2004 11:14
To: Matty (EVSTAR) 1439 of 2579

What was the blackbird doing to offend you to the point that you had to shoot it?


Have you no respect for nature etc?

From: kara23 Apr 2004 02:15
To: Rich (RICARD00) 1440 of 2579
It was clearly a preemptive strike.
From: Menace! (DENNIS)23 Apr 2004 17:52
To: kara 1441 of 2579
Pretty damn pre-emptive from the poor old blackbird's point of view!:|
From: kara24 Apr 2004 04:21
To: Menace! (DENNIS) 1442 of 2579

That's terrorist talk, that is.


Now where's the emoticon of the dead bird?

From: Manthorp24 Apr 2004 10:12
To: kara 1443 of 2579
Now where's the emoticon of the dead bird?

*V* ?

From: william (WILLIAMA)24 Apr 2004 11:06
To: Manthorp 1444 of 2579
or in this case * *
EDITED: 24 Apr 2004 12:11 by WILLIAMA
Message 2226.1445 was deleted