Oh crap, yeah. Tonight/Sunday morning.
ARGH. Stupid fecking BST. :@
Yeah, clocks go forward so we lose an hour.
And I don't like summertime. Aside from being too hot, bright , and all the flying bugs to come out, it also causes people to act strangely.
All my friends will be online ones by that stage (possibly excluding my flatmate, depending on how long either/both of us stay here whilst sorting ourselves out) so long evenings = nulled.
Sweaty bikerides, yeah, but I prefer them when there aren't annoying bugs wanting to bite/sting/splat on me, so I'll probably end up wrapping my head like a mummy if I go out anywhere.
Wooing women... pass.
I am looking forward to the summer because it will hopefully be the proper start of my life, but I'd prefer to have that without the annoying summerness. Although, living in England, I might be lucky and we'll get some "bad" weather to make things more pleasant.
Fucking boring sod :@
I'm hopefully going to three foreign countries this summer, well 4 if you include may as well!
I'd love to go travelling round Europe (and a few other places), but before I even contemplate that I need to have eradicated 12k of debt, which means getting a well-paid job first.
Fortunately, thanks to the rarity of Coldfusion coders, a year from now I could potentially be getting as high as £30k, so it shouldn't take too long to get myself stable.