I heard today that the local PC guy in town wanted £55 to 'equip a PC with sound' so this girl could chat online - he had the PC in the shop, so had no real excuse for not knowing she only needed a microphone
so you're right, some are making a good living from numptys
Spybot works a lot better if run from the Advanced setting, using that to access and activate the "hosts" file.
I use Spybot and Adaware with great success, and both are updated daily if possible.
Well I run Spybot in advanced mode. What's this about the hosts file?
I would update it daily, but it hasn't found any updates in a while. Maybe I have an old version.
Update to version 1.2 for Spybot if necessary.
The Hosts file resides in settings, but unless you enable Advanced mode, I think it might be Hell's own job to find it. <G>
I found it like I found all the other computer stuff I "know" - by accident.
Also, the latest version of Adaware is 6.00, build 6.181. Older versions will not update as I recall.
Spybot is sometimes slow to download updates if busy. Try changing the mirror to a U.S. site if you have difficulties. Conversly, U.S. users should try to use UniDo to take advantage of the time differential. ;-)
I can't understand how adaware works, it keeps saying my core files are out of date and gives me a url to download new ones. So I do that and install them.
Then I use the auto-update feature and it says there are updates available, I download the updates and then it says my core files are out of date again :(
Every time I use auto-update it downgrades adaware again :(
Hence I now only use spybot.
I had the free one from their website, there is a message on their download site saying the core files need to be updated too though.
Anyway I think spybot is a bit better, seems to detect more stuff :)
Aye, it happened to me some yonks ago when we used to employ my entirely loveable nephew as a baby squasher.
One morning after a night before, I discovered the wonderfully titled self-replicating "Achtung! Sex Party" dialler all over the computer, including a robust presence on the desktop, potentially linking to a mega-premium dial-up number, had we not been on cable modem.
As I recall, he did say his goodnights and leave promptly that evening...
I graduated to Chameleon porn some time ago, and I've never looked back. It's the real McCoy.
Speaking of Mc's, have you seen the picture series of Gauge Chameleon on a number of clan tartans? RAR!