Corrupt BKF file

From: Wayne (SCOREZ2000)14 Nov 2003 15:25
To: Kriv 3 of 10
Looking like option 1 right now.
Message 10604.4 was deleted
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)14 Nov 2003 17:44
To: Wayne (SCOREZ2000) 5 of 10
That'll teach you to back-up the back-up. And maybe back-up that just to be sure.
From: GJMCGINN14 Nov 2003 17:56
To: Wayne (SCOREZ2000) 6 of 10

Try before you buy -


We used one called ASR or software called something like Advanced Recovery. It didn't cost more than $100 but I can't find it on google.


'Proper' recovery firms charge a minimum 100EUR analysis and 1000EUR data recovery and as the drive is still spinning it looks like cheaper software could be your best bet.

From: JonCooper14 Nov 2003 20:01
To: Wayne (SCOREZ2000) 7 of 10
easy recovery pro would be my recommendation
From: alan (ALANLISA)29 Oct 2011 09:02
To: JonCooper 8 of 10

Here are some BKF file recovery tools to repair your BKF file. Below is a list of them:


Most of them provide a free demo so you can try first.



From: JonCooper29 Oct 2011 16:27
To: alan (ALANLISA) 9 of 10
1. they weren't my .BFK files, they were Wayne's

2. The thread is about 8 years old!

3. thanks for trying anyway :)
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)30 Oct 2011 05:09
To: JonCooper 10 of 10