From: Matt

A few stats about this forum. Attached are operating systems and browser stats and search keywords and phrases.

Folder Stats
Number of folders:  19
Folder with most threads:  General (11,032 threads)
Folder with most posts:  General (254,372 Posts)

Thread Stats
Total number of threads:  36,506
Average thread count per folder:  1,921.37
Longest thread:  Cracked my ball (2,424 Posts)
Most read thread:  The Bargain Thread (7,013 Views)
Total number of thread subscriptions:  66
Most popular thread by subscription:  Teh GAME NITE (2 Subscribers)

Post Stats
Total number of posts:  623,748
Number of posts made in last 60 minutes:  3
Most posts made in one 60 minute period:  176
Average posts per user:  381.50
Top poster:  Mr (M00RL0CK) (26,529 Posts) [View Top 20]

Poll Stats
Total number of polls:  1,436
Total number of poll options:  7,274
Total number of poll votes:  54,618
Average votes per poll:  38.03

Attachments Stats
Total number of attachments:  1,654
Average attachment count per post:  0.00
Most downloaded attachment:  Attachmentgoth (Small).jpg (Msg: 27544.1)

User Preferences Stats
Most used forum style:  default (296 Users)
Most used language file:  en (685 Users)
Most used Time zone:  (GMT) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London (943 Users)
Most used Emoticon pack:  jay (685 Users)

User Stats
Number of users:  1,635
Number of contributing users:  970
Number of non-contributing users:  669
Newest User:  devzero

Visitor Stats
Number of visitors today:  509
Number of visitors this month:  4,882
Number of visitors this year:  20,440

Session Stats
Total number of active users  19
Number of active registered users:  10
Number of active guests:  9
Most users ever online:  287 on 10 Jul 2008
Most active user:  Izziwizzi (JAMES) (2m 2w 1d 13hr 38min 32sec)

Profile Stats
Number of users with profile:  334
Number of users without profile:  1,301

Signature Stats
Number of users with signature:  1,354
Number of users without signature:  282

Age and Birthday Stats
Average age:  45.38
Most popular birthday:  1 Jan (68 Users)

Relationship Stats
Number of user relationships:  903
Average relationships per user:  0.55

Word Filter Stats
Number of users using word filter:  39
Number of users not using word filter:  1,596
Average word filter entries per user:  0.02
EDITED: 4 Mar 2023 13:35 by MATT