From: Matt
Folder Stats
Number of folders:  18
Folder with most threads:  General (10,365 threads)
Folder with most posts :  General (239,620 Posts)

Thread Stats
Total number of threads:  34,271
Average thread count per folder:  1,903.94
Longest thread:  Cracked my ball (2,346 Posts)
Most read thread:  The Bargain Thread (6,666 Views)
Total number of thread subscriptions:  51
Most popular thread by subscription:  Airfix Dogfighter Game Anyone (2 Subscribers)

Post Stats
Total number of posts:  581,899
Number of posts made in last 60 minutes:  9
Most posts made in one 60 minute period:  176
Average posts per user:  382.83
Top poster:  Mr (MOORLOCK) (25,581 Posts)

Poll Stats
Total number of polls:  1,370
Total number of poll options:  6,914
Total number of poll votes:  52,284
Averge votes per poll:  38.16

Attachments Stats
Total number of attachments:  1,421
Average attachment count per post:  0.00
Most downloaded attachment:  none

User Preferences Stats
Most used forum style:  default (128 Users)
Most used language file:  en (176 Users)
Most used Timezone:  (GMT) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London (894 Users)
Most used Emoticon pack:  jay (118 Users)

User Stats
Number of users:  1,520
Number of contributing users:  917
Number of non-contributing users:  603
Newest User:  beddo

Visitor Stats
Number of visitors today:  104
Number of visitors this week:  450
Number of visitors this month:  761
Number of visitors this year:  761

Session Stats
Total number of active users  18
Number of active registered users:  9
Number of active guests:  9
Most users ever online:  80 on 21 Jun 2005
Most active user:  steve (11m 1w 5d 16hr 52min 9sec)

Profile Stats
Number of users with profile:  321
Number of users without profile:  1,199

Signature Stats
Number of users with signature:  1,239
Number of users without signature:  282

Age and Birthday Stats
Average age:  44.3558
Most popular birthday:  1 Jan (113 Users)

Relationship Stats
Number of user releationships:  891
Average relationships per user:  0.59

Word Filter Stats
Number of users using word filter:  38
Number of users not using word filter:  1,482
Average word filter entries per user:  0.03
EDITED: 27 Jun 2008 21:21 by MATT