Yeah it's not a million miles away from just bundling DLLs in a directory. We'll go to great lengths to avoid the thing Linux (and BSD) is really good at and everything else is bad at: Dynnamic linking.
Yeah if I were installing nextcloud I'd go with a docker or whatever too. Anything that requires a database and a web server is a pain in the arse. It *shouldn't* be a pain in the arse, I think we fucked up somewhere and containers are a dreadful solution to the problem. But for now, it's easy and it works.
I think the need for a kinda explicit system layer comes with USB, wifi and having multiple devices. Hardware was less transient in the past so things didn't need handling in a dynamic way, really. And you didn't want to take your "account" or whatever elsewhere.
My OS will be written in 100% bash. And it'll be called Dim. Dim isn't Minix.
EDITED: 6 Feb 10:27 by X3N0PH0N